Exams (K.B)

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Summary: Kate comforts you after exam week.


Short and fluffy.

Kate POV:

It wasn't hard to tell that my girlfriend was stressed. She had been like all week and I don't blame her, she's an overachiever and sometimes, she forgets to slow down and take care of herself. She might think that she's fooling me when I ask her if she's feeling alright, but she's not.

"My love, why don't you sleep here tonight?" I offer, slipping down next to Y/n and wrapping an arm around her waist. She leans into my body but keeps her eyes trained on the screen in front of her. Her fingers move quickly as she types, the Google Doc filling up with what looks like her essay.

"Okay, you can go to bed if you'd like, I just have to finish this." She replies, letting out a small sigh. I kiss her forehead and gently remove her hands from the keyboard.

"Sweetheart, you need to take a break, rest a little tonight, and come back to this tomorrow." I urge her, kissing the top of her forehead, catching her attention. She pouts up at me and I move her body onto my lap. Her body melts against mine and her head slips into the crook of my neck.

I try not to move, hoping that if she stays like this for a couple of minutes she'll either fall asleep and I'll carry her upstairs or she'll realize how tired she is and come to bed. Her breathing starts to slow and I venture a hand into her hair, caressing it gently and placing a few more soft kisses on the top of her head. 

She doesn't say anything so I wait silently, continuing my gentle movements and hoping she'll finally rest. She works so hard, and sometimes she doesn't see that she's burning herself out. She finished all of her exams but I know she still has to polish a few of her projects before handing them in. 

Last time I checked, they're due tomorrow and since she doesn't have anything planned, she'll have lots of time. After she's done her projects, I'm planning on taking her out to dinner. I want to spend the weekend with her, letting her relax before the semester switchover. 

"Katie," Her voice is quiet, muffled by my neck, sending vibrations through my body. I smile and look down at her.

"Yes?" I whisper, trying to keep her in the relaxed state she seems to already be in.

"I love you," She mumbles, pressing her lips against my neck. I smile at the tingling sensation that it sends up my spine and feel my heart swell at her words.

"I love you too, Y/n/n, always," I reply, pushing back a strand of hair that fell. She looks up at me sleepily and a lazy smile appears on her lips.

"Always," She repeats. I reach around her and close her laptop.

"How about I take you upstairs?" I offer, cupping her cheek and rubbing my thumb gently against her jaw. She nods her head, blinking slowly and letting her head fall back down onto my shoulder. 

I slip one of my arms under her legs and steady her with my other arm around the waist before slowly standing up. She lets out a soft whine and I adjust her body so that I can carry her before letting me manhandle her. We walk towards the stairs and I slowly start to make my way up, careful not to jostle her around as she rests peacefully in my arms. When we get upstairs, I turn to the left, heading into my bedroom, deciding not to turn on the light. I skillfully make my way to my bed and place her down on it. 

She pulls me down with her and kisses my lips gently, her hand on my cheek before letting go.

"Can I sleep in your clothes?" She asks, her voice sounding exhausted. I smile down at her and nod my head. 

"Of course you can," I walk over to my dresser and grab two of my softer baggy shirts along with two pairs of pajama pants. 

"Good because they smell like you," She adds in a softer tone. It's almost too quiet for me to hear but I do, and it puts a smile on my face. I walk back over to my bed and place the two sets of pajamas on the bed.

"You can choose which ones you would like," I explain, slipping down next to her. She grabs the shirt and pants she wants and I take the other pair. I stand up and pull my shirt off, replacing it with the baggy one before glancing down and seeing Y/n staring at me.

"What? I can stare at my gorgeous girlfriend if I want to." She defends herself with a cute pout/smirk on her lips. I nod my head and lean down to place a kiss on her lips.

"Yes, you most definitely can sweetheart, and you look cute doing it," I reply softly, slipping out of my pants. She grabs my waist, moving my shirt aside, and kisses up my abdomen. I let out a relaxed sigh before pulling on my pajama pants. 

I decide to walk over to my bathroom and wash my face, making a mental note to buy more cleanser before moisturizing. I brushed my teeth a little while ago so I don't need to do it again. Once I'm ready, I glance back and see Y/n has changed and is waiting with outstretched arms.

I chuckle to myself and flick off the light switch in the bathroom before walking over. I fall into her arms and she kisses the top of my head.

"Have I mentioned how much I love you?" She whispers as we get comfortable, spooning each other. I squeeze her gently to let her know I heard her and she giggles.

"Maybe once or twice, but I'm always open to hearing it again, especially since I love you too," I whisper in her ear. I relish the feeling of her in my arms before adding, "Have I mentioned how adorable you look when you're all sleepy?" She groans and tries to move out of my arms.

"I'm not adorable.." She whines softly, unable to escape my grasp. I nuzzle my head closer to her neck and kiss the backs of her shoulders.

"Yes, you are. You're the most adorable girl I've ever seen, you get all pouty and sleepy which makes you even cuter. I didn't even know it was possible to be any cuter, especially when you're as cute as you are." She doesn't reply but I know she heard me. She's probably blushing.

"Shut up, Bishop," She eventually grumbles, turning her head to look at me. Even in the dark, I can confirm that she's blushing so I just smirk down at her.

"Goodnight, baby," I whisper. She smiles.

"Goodnight, Kit-Kat." As soon as we start to relax, I feel my eyelids grow heavy, finally comfortable in my bed with Y/n in my arms.

She'll always be the most perfect girl in the whole world to me. Even when she's a little bit stressed.


Did I write this all in one go? Yes.

Is it based on the fact that I just finished exam week? Yes.

Do I feel like dying inside because of exam week even though it's over? Yes.

Did my girlfriend help out a lot and be the sweetest girl? Yes.

Did I proofread this? No.


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