Stuck On Repeat Pt. 2 (H.S) (*)

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A LOT of you guys requested a part two of this oneshot so I thought I'd give it a go :)

In a little poll (if y'all remember) I asked you guys yes or no. Check the A/N at the end to see what that was about once you've finished so you don't spoil it. By the way, if you're unaware, almost all of you guys chose yes.


Hailee POV

I roll out of my bed and slam my hand down on the alarm clock that's blaring in my ears.

God, I'm so hungover.

I know Y/n will be disappointed in me if she finds out. I feel bad, she signed me up for the program and did all the research just for me to throw it away. But I just can't help myself.

I walk over to my door and flick my light switch on, searching for my towel so I can shower. After a minute or two of searching, I give up and decide to grab one from the laundry room. Then, I make my way to the shower, turn the lights on, and walk over to the tub. I open the glass door and grab the handle, turning it to the right for hot water. I retract my hand and then close the door. I turn around and look at myself in the mirror.

What have I done to myself?

No shower is going to fix the fact that I just generally look awful. My eyes are still slightly red from last night and the bags under my eyes are going to be near impossible to cover up. Aside from that my arms are littered with tiny scratches from running into the forest last night. The party got a little too loud and the police got called, the only logical solution for Drunk Hailee was to run full throttle into the fucking forest.

Nice one.

I turn back to look and the shower and get in. For now, I'll enjoy the hot water, after I can deal with myself. I let the warmth stream down my body, cascading over my skin. There's nothing better than a scalding hot shower after you've spent the night out.

Once I've finished in the shower I get out and grab my towel from where I hung it up. I start to dry myself off, making sure all the excess water isn't dripping off my body before wrapping it securely around me. I make my way back to my room and look at myself in that mirror.

I look a little bit less tired, all the dirt and grime has been wiped off my body. Maybe, I can get away with this. All I'll have to do is wash my face, pick out clothes- a long-sleeved shirt or hoodie -, eat something, have COFFEE- even though I don't usually drink it, today calls for something stronger than tea- and brush my teeth. Then I can do my make-up and my hair. Yeah, I can do this.

I put my hair up and start searching around in my closet/drawers for something to wear. Today, I'm feeling cozy vibes, maybe like a sweatshirt? It's halfway through October and things are getting a little bit chillier now. Just for today, I'll keep it simple. I grab a pair of high-rise jeans and my favorite sweatshirt. Okay, well technically, it's Y/n's but I stole it from her. I feel a tug of guilt at the mention of her name but I ignore it pulling the comfy shirt over my body and hugging myself. I slide on my jeans and look at myself in the mirror.

Damn, I look pretty good.

I walk back into the bathroom and wash my face before heading downstairs. Luckily, my parents have already headed out for work and most likely won't be back until around 8 p.m. I know they love me, but they're never here to show it.

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