No Vacancy Pt. 3 (H.S)

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Y/n POV:

"Hey guys, um have any of you seen Jenna?" I ask as 'good 4 u' blasts through the speakers. A couple of people shake their heads and the rest just ignore me continuing to drink whatever cheap alcoholic beverage someone brought, out of a red solo cup. I need to find her..

"Baby you made it!" Jenna's voice sounds behind me happily. I turn around and stare at her outfit for a few seconds. Fuck, why does she have to look so hot when I'm trying to break up with her? I nod my head mindlessly and turn my head as she goes into to kiss me causing her to simply peck my cheek. "Are you ready to party!?"

Hailee POV:

"Hey Griffin, so do you maybe.. I don't know, wanna watch a movie tonight?" I ask curiously from the doorway of his room. He glances up at me and slips his phone back into his pocket.

"No can do little sis, normally I would love to but I'm going out to a party tonight." He replies apologetically, shrugging his shoulders at me. My eyes light up and I grab his phone. "Hey what're you doing!?" He asks annoyedly. I shake my head and unlock it.

"Are you going to a party at a girl called Jenna's house?" I ask trying to find the text chain he had open.

"Uhh yeah, I think so, it's some sophomore's party.." He replies snatching his phone back from my hands. I nod my head and smile.

"I'm coming with you," I state. He laughs for a couple of seconds and then looks back up at me.

"Oh, you're serious." I nod my head and he shakes his. "No way, absolutely not. I'm not taking you to a party, Hailee." I grab his shoulders and shake them slightly looking up at him with my best puppy dog eyes.

"You have to Griff! Jenna is Y/n's girlfriend, which means Y/n will be there and I need to talk to her." I beg, hoping that he'll relent. Unfortunately, he continues to shake his head and removes my hands from his shoulders.

"No. Just because Y/n is there doesn't mean I'm going to take you to a party, there are lots of horny teenagers there and I will not risk you being exposed to annoying sophomore boys who think that younger girls are "hot" they're just pedos in the making-"

"If you don't let me come with you I'll tell mom and dad you're going to a party and they'll ground you for a month like they warned they would last time they found out you snuck out." I threaten, placing my hands on my hips. He sighs and glares at me.

"You're such a pain in the ass you know that Haiz?" He complains sitting back down on his bed. I raise an eyebrow at him. "We'll leave at 10 pm since it looks like it's around a half an hour drive to Jenna's." He mumbles defeatedly. I walk outside of his room and pump my fists triumphantly before walking back to my room.


"Remember the rules Hailee, don't drink any alcohol, talk to any scary girls or make eye contact with anyone who looks remotely like a teenage boy." I roll my eyes and hop out of the vehicle.

"Yeah, yeah. Let's go! I would like to find Y/n in this century, old man." Griffin mumbles something about not being an old man but I barely hear him as I knock on the door and get ushered in by some random girl. I walk further into the house and try and spot the y/h/c girl. Damnit, I thought this would be easier..

"Hailee? What are you doing here?" I turn around and smile at Brian who's giving me a confused look.

"I- uh, Y/n invited me." I lie hoping that he'll believe me since the truth is a lot lamer. He nods his head and shrugs his shoulders.

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