Come Home to Me (K.B)

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Summary: Kate comes home from a long mission.

Y/n POV:

I move quietly around my apartment and grab a glass of water, taking a sip out of it as I look out the window.

The view shows a scenic picture of New York City, the night sky twinkling with stars as cars drive by.

My girlfriend has been gone for the past month, and to be honest, it has been- and still is -really hard to deal with. When she's here, we're inseparable, so it feels weird to be apart from her for so long.

I understand that she has to fulfill her "duty" as an Avenger, but sometimes I just want my stupid, silly, raven-haired girl. I think Lucky misses her as well.

I look over at the sleepy golden retriever who is resting on the couch. Usually, he's not allowed to be there, but I don't have the heart to kick him off. Kate and I are both softies when it comes to animals, so he's definitely a little bit spoiled.

I look back up at the scenic outlook from our apartment window once more before finishing off my glass and carefully placing it in the dishwasher. I let out a soft sigh and walk towards the bathroom, ready to brush my teeth and wash my face before heading off to bed.

I look at myself in the mirror as I brush my teeth and notice to dark shadows under my eyes. I haven't been sleeping quite as soundly without Kate.

It's a mix of being worried about the lack of communication or even contact from her in the past month and the fact that I've gotten so used to sleeping with her that it feels weird to sleep alone.

I spit out my toothpaste and rinse out my mouth before tying my hair back and wetting my face, starting to wash it. I exfoliate afterward and use whatever serum Kate's mom bought for me, claiming it would "change my life."

Afterward, I moisturize and pull my hair out of the ponytail it was in, quickly brushing it out. I put everything back and flick off the light switch as I leave the room. I turn towards Lucky, who lifts his head up as I re-enter the living room. He starts to wag his tail, and I roll my eyes.

"Fine, come here," I beckon for him to follow me, and he does, jumping up and padding after me quickly. We walk into our room, and he jumps up onto the bed, settling down on the side that Kate usually occupies. "You better not move around too much, or I'll kick you out of the room," I warn him, pointing my finger at him. He just wags his tail and pants at me.

It's like he knows that my threat is empty.

I settle down in bed as well and check my phone one last time to see if Kate has messaged me back, but I sigh again as I see that my message is still unanswered.

"I guess it'll just be you and me for a little while longer," I tell Lucky as I place my phone down on our bedside table, making sure to plug it in. He lets out a little huff before moving a little closer, letting me place an arm around his hairy body. I let my head hit the pillow, and before I know it, I fall asleep.

Kate POV:

"Are you excited to be heading home?" Clint asks, catching my attention and making me turn away from the window I was looking out of. I nod my head, and he smiles, his eyes holding understanding.

"I can't wait to see Y/n again," I tell him, my voice quiet. He nods his head and looks down at his phone. Since we've been allowed to message people outside of the Avengers, Laura has responded twice. Y/n hasn't. I know she's most likely asleep, but a small part of me was hoping that somehow she'd see it.

I know I haven't messaged her back in a while- well, I haven't been allowed to -so I hope she's not mad at me. She gets worried when I go on missions, which is understandable, but I wish she didn't have to carry that worry the entire time that I'm gone.

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