Family Problems (C.W)

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Summary: Y/n and Charlie might be in love but they've accepted the fact that they'll never be able to tell their family.

(Teenage Y/n and Charlie.)


Talk of domestic violence
Allusion to domestic abuse
Shitty parenting
Heavy angst :/

Please let me know if you see anything else. Enjoy.


"Where are you going?" My mom's voice calls from the kitchen. I roll my eyes, pulling on my Converse.

"Out," I reply, putting my wallet in my back pocket.

"Where?" She asks, her voice annoyed. I peek my head into the kitchen.

"Charlie's house," I tell her, grabbing the car keys.

"No, I told you that you're not allowed to go over to that family's house anymore." She reminds me, stopping the production of the bread she's making.

"I vaguely remember that," I reply, dropping the keys. "It's fine I'll walk."

"Y/n L/n, get your ass back into this kitchen before I get your father to come in and beat it." She hisses, her face turning red.

"I believe you mean Earl, and he's not my father, he's barely an excuse for a step-father and you know that." I retort, grabbing my letterman jacket. "I'll be back at some point, or maybe not," I yell out, exiting the house as quickly as possible and then sprinting for Charlie's house.

"Get back here!" A voice calls as I run off. Earl chases after me and I pick up the pace.

"Fucking asshole," I mutter under my breath, knowing full well he'll slow down in a few seconds. There's some yelling and I chance a look back at him. His hands are on his knees as he pants.

Stupid dick.

I slow down to a jog and cross into the woods, a shortcut to Charlie's house. A cold breeze chills my spine and I take a deep breath, slowing my heartbeat.

I continue down the path, catching a stray leaf that floats down from the auburn-coloured trees. I pass by the creek and skip a rock for good luck before starting to walk again. I pass by the pathway to our secret spot and wonder if we'll go there today. A small smile creeps its way onto my lips at the thought of seeing her.

It had been over a week since I'd been able to go over to her house. My mom thinks that Charlie is a bad influence on me but she's the only reason that I'm still living with her. If it weren't for Charlie I would've skipped town by now. But, Charlie wants me to finish high school with her and then we'll leave, together.

If it were possible I would've fallen more in love with her when she said that but she already has my entire heart and more. I pass by the old trees and see the exit growing closer as I speed up, getting excited. Charlie's house is the last one on the block, and her room is on the back which means it's easy for me to climb in through her window.

I pass by a few of her neighbors who smile and wave at me. I return the gesture and pet Fred, the adorable golden retriever who lives around this neighborhood, surviving off of the community's kindness.

"Who's a good boy?" I ask in a playful voice scratching his ears. "You are, you are a cutie," I tell him, kissing his head before moving on. "If I could steal you I would," I tell him, as he follows me. He barks happily and presses up against my leg. I smile and dip into the alley, my new best friend still following me. I move behind the houses and walk peacefully, listening to the soft crackle of our footsteps.. or paw steps. When I reach the back of Charlie's house I stoop down and ruffle Fred's fur.

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