Family Problems Pt. 2(C.W)

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Here you go, loves!

Two Months Ago

Charlie POV

I roll over and blink away the sleep in my eyes, looking around at my dimly lit room. I check the time on my clock and see that it's close to 6 a.m. which is usually the time I wake up. I pull the covers back up to keep the heat in because my mom refuses to pay for heating. I glance around my room and my eyes land on a small piece of paper that looks like it's from a notebook. A small smile creeps onto my face.

Did Y/n send me letter?

I blush a little bit and push the covers back, swinging my legs to the edge of the bed and standing up. I walk over to my window and crouch down to pick up the note. I recognize her writing immediately and butterflies fill my stomach.

She wrote me a letter. A stupid smile fills my face and look down starting to read it. 

Dear Charlie,

After I left, I found out my mom decided to kick me out, they locked me out but I got in. 

My breath catches as I read her words nervously. Is she alright?

I packed up and I'm leaving. 


I won't ask you to come with me, I hope you understand. 

You can't leave.

I love you so much, you're the only one I'll ever love. Please don't be too mad, I'll try to send letters if I can, unless you don't want me to, but I guess you can't really say that to me.

Tears fill my eyes and slip down my face onto the paper.

 If you don't want them then I guess you can just not read them. I know I promised you we'd graduate together but I don't think that's going to happen anymore, I'm sorry. When you read this I'll already be out of town, but I figured that disappearing with no explanation would be an asshole move. I'm aware that doing this will still be an asshole thing to do but I have to.

"You can't leave me, Y/n," I mumble to myself, panic-stricken. I keep reading.

I'm pretty sure I have a dog now, Fred seems like he'll keep me company for a while. I'm sorry once again. There are so many things I could apologize for, I'm sorry for leaving you, for breaking your heart, for letting you love me because I thought we could make it. I guess love makes you hopeful. This fucking sucks, I wish it wasn't like this. I want to be with you always, but apparently, the universe (my mom) doesn't want me to be happy. I'm sorry for having our first time together I should've made you wait until you had someone who could be there with you forever but I really thought that would be me. It seems like I've really fucked this up. If you look for me and find me, and don't hate me too much after school I'll wait. Like I said, I won't love anyone else. You've ruined everyone else for me in the best way possible.

I think I loved you so much I forgot to distance myself from you and try to not let myself get hurt. But you make me feel so safe and loved. I wish I would've known that we would have our last kiss today. I would have cherished the feeling of your lips on mine, your eyes, your beautiful smile, everything about you enamours me. I hope this isn't too long, if it is feel free to stop reading and hate me. I won't be surprised if you do. I'm sorry, truly sorry from the bottom of my heart.

With all of my heart, Y/n

Sobs wrack my body as I slump down on the ground.

She left, she left me and I'll never have her again.

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