So that's it? Pt. 2 (H.S)

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Hailee POV:

I got up very early this morning and I didn't have anytime to say hi to Alex. I know Y/n is probably annoyed about that but whatever, I'll be there for dinner like I said. I've been working really hard on my songs for my fans and I know Y/n tries to understand that especially since she's an singer herself but, she's got it all together way more than I do.

I mean she takes care of Alex most of time the because I'm so busy and still manages to release new music every year. I don't get it, managing all of her time between, songwriting, Alex, me, promotion deals and acting I just don't see how she can possibly manage it all without being flaky like I am sometimes...

Y/n POV:

Once Alex and I pull into the parking lot of Nickel's I shoot Hailee a quick text to let her know that we're here.

Hey love Alex and I are at Nickel's

Should we wait for you?

I sigh knowing if she's not here already there is no way she'll be coming. I feel bad for Alex, I understand that Hailee is stressed and is having a hard time juggling her work-home life but the least she could do is fucking text me back.

I hold Alex's hand as we walk in and he smiles up at me. As soon as we enter a waitress walks over and smiles at us.

"Hi, do you two have a reversation?" She asks cheerfully.

"Yeah, it's for Steinfeld." I say nodding my head and praying she won't recognize me.

"For three?" She asks after taking a moment to search up the name. Alex looks up at me confused and I silently curse.

"Yeah.. Um actually for two." I reply trying to keep my expression neutral. I glance down at Alex and then at my phone which has no new messages from Hailee. The girl smiles sympathetically and then picks out an adult's and a kid's menu.

"Alright then, just follow me this way." She directs starting to walk towards a booth. We sit down and she places the menus down on the table. I thank her quietly and she leaves to go get us some waters. I look over at Alex who's smile has been erased off of his face.

"Hey buddy, what's wrong?" I ask grabbing his hand and tilting his face up from the table his gaze was glued on. His expression is much more somber as he looks up at me.

"Why did they say three people momma?" He asks quietly staring deep into my eyes. I gulp and look down at him before finally replying.

"Mommy said she might be able to come for lunch so I made a reservation for three just in case.. But she um got caught up in some-"

"Work?" He guesses and I nod slowly, kissing his forehead.

"But she'll be here for dinner buddy." I remind him as the waitress comes back with two glasses of water. After a couple minutes of looking at the menus she comes back again and takes our orders. We chat for a while and I keep checking my phone subtly just for a "I'm sorry I got caught up in work." Text but it never comes. We eat our food happily and Alex begs to order dessert which I eventually relent to and buy us both an ice cream sundae. He gets strawberry whereas I get chocolate. After devouring out sundaes we meet up at the park to hangout with Alex's best friend in the entire world, who just happens to be my
best friend in the entire world.

"Y/n M/n L/n, you are so dead for leaving me on opened!" Robyn calls before engulfing me a bear hug so tight I feel like one of my veins might pop.
"I missed you idiot." She adds and I giggle softly suddenly feeling all my worries about Hailee disappear.

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