Secretly In Love Pt. 2 (H.S)

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Six Months Later. January 2024

Y/n POV:

"Miss L/n, you have an urgent call for you on line four." My secretary, Anne, tells me as she places an iced latte on my desk.

"Thank you so much Anne, you're the best." I reply, sending her a genuine smile. She nods and smiles back.

"No problem, you're easy to please." She replies modestly starting to walk away. I shake my head and stop her.

"No, you really are an excellent employee Anne, I value you so much." I tell her, reiterating what I said before. This time she lets a real smile creep onto her face. "You just can't take a compliment but we'll work on that." I joke before taking a sip of my latte. She laughs and shakes her head at me.

"I guess we will. Before I leave, will you going out for lunch or would like me to order you something?" She asks, turning around to look at me.

"I might just have a protein bar or something." I reply, she nods then walks off before I glance over at my phone. Right, line four. I switch to the line and pick up the phone.

"Hello, this is Y/n L/n, owner of the L/n Incorporated, how may I help you?" I answer, making sure my voice sounds clear and confident.

"Yes, it's good to hear your voice Y/n, it's Michael Woodward calling, I'm driving over to your office at this moment because we need to talk about my share in your company. I heard you're trying to buy it back." I stifle a groan and stick with grimacing as I take a moment to collect my thoughts.

"Yes Mr. Woodward, I've talked with the board and I believe that it's the best route to take for my company. I've already signed the papers Michael you can't convince me to drop this." I reply, making sure my tone stays professional. "The decision to cut you was unanimous. Your reputation is a risk for the company that we're not willing to take. I've already purchased your entire portion of the company for 579,000$, there's no going back." I hear an annoyed scoff on the line.

"This is absolutely outrageous, I bought that share for well over 1.7 million! You're scamming me L/n!" He shouts angrily. "No, idiot, turn left! No not that way!" I hear him yell at his driver.

"I'm sorry about this Mr. Woodward, you seem to be busy though so I'll just let you go."

"No, I swear to God Y/n, do not hang up the phone on me-" I place the phone back into it's charging station, ending the call and shake my head. Serves him right for tweeting out homophobic slurs. Old white men, Jesus.

"Miss. L/n, there's someone here to see you." Anne announces as I take another sip of my drink.

"Send him in." I groan, not looking up.

"Alright." There's retreating footsteps and then I hear two pairs of steps. "Miss. L/n is ready to see you."

"Michael, if you're going to continue your rant about how you deserve more for your share of the company I'd suggest you leave now, there's nothing here for you and I'll have my security escort you out shortly if you can't recognize that. The paperwork has already been signed and is just in the process of being approved right now so it's useless to fight me on this, you made a conscious decision to use your access to social media in a way that my company doesn't support in the slightest and we had to make a decision to let the public know that we do not support anything your political and personal views. We decided to do this by cutting you out of our company completely, this is once again non-negotiable so please just leave." I announce not bothering to look up as I drawl on. When I'm met with absolute silence I look up and my eyes widen.

"Hey." Her voice is soft and her expression is nervous as she watches me intently, most likely trying to figure out what I'm thinking. I open my mouth but nothing comes out. "That was some speech you gave me there." She jokes awkwardly, playing with her hands nervously as I continue to stare incredulously at her. It takes me a few more seconds to collect myself before I laugh a little.

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