I'll Protect You (H.S)

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Summary: Y/n spots her ex at the club and Hailee protects her.

Y/n POV:

"Y/n darling, are you ready to go?" Hailee calls up to me as I place the finishing touches on my makeup.

"I'll be down in a minute!" I yell as I place all of my products back into my makeup bag. I carefully zip it up and open up my drawer setting it back in it's normal spot. I take one last look in the mirror before deciding I look like an absolute queen.

"You look absolutely stunning babe." Hailee breathes out as I walk down the stairs. A blush settles on my face and I giggle slightly at the compliment as I take in the gorgeous girl in front of me.

"Thank you love, and you look breathtaking in that dress." I reply softly moving towards her and pecking her cheek softly. She smiles brightly and reaches out for my hand expectantly which gives me the opportunity to tease her.

I pretend as if I didn't see her hand and simply glance around the room before turning back to her. Her face displays a sweet little pout and she makes an attempt to grab my hand. I instead grab her waist, pulling her towards me and kiss her.

Obviously she didn't expect my movement because she let's out a surprised squeal before reciprocating the kiss passionately. Her tongue swipes the bottom of my lip and I open my mouth, but right before she can slide her tongue in I pull away smirking at her.

"Oh sorry love did you just want to hold my hand?" I tease grasping her hand playfully. Hailee shakes her head briskly and pouts even harder this time.

"Y/nnnn......" She whines pulling out the last syllable as I walk towards the door. I boop her on the nose softly before opening the door and leading her out of the room. We drive in silence to the club and I glance over at my girlfriend who's arms crossed with a large pout on her face. I pull up to the club and park before walking around and opening Hailees's door for her.

"And they say chivalry's dead." She jokes as I place a soft kiss on her cheek. I hum softly and we walk up to the entrance. Loud music and alcohol bombard my senses as we make our way to the counter to buy our first drinks.

"Hey ladies, how're you doing tonight?" The bartender asks us cheerfully as he prepares someone else's drink.

"We're doing good, how about you?" Hailee replies politely and he shrugs.

"Not too bad, not too bad." He answers passing the now prepared drink to a random person.

"What can I get you two?" He asks and I glance over at Hailee, since she always orders first.

"I'll have a gin martini." She decides turning to me after a few seconds.

"Um and I'll have a long island iced tea." I add which he smiles at.
"Of course, that'll becoming up shortly." He informs us before turning to make our drinks. I feel Hailees's arm sneak around my waist and I smile softly at her. Our drinks arrive a minute later and we take them before moving onto the dance floor.

"Oh my god, I love this song!!" Hailee exclaims excitedly grabbing my waist drunkenly and swaying her hips seductively.

"Haiz baby, this is your song." I reply teasingly as the intro to Most Girls plays. She shrugs and dances to it.

"Does that mean I can't like it?" She asks. I mean the girls got a point.. I shake my head, chuckling to myself. Hailees's hands slip under my suit and I jump at how cold they are.

"Sorry if my hands are chilly." She whispers in my ear and I gulp slowly feeling arousal plummet straight into my core.

"I-it's okay." I stutter and she smiles up at me.

"I actually have to go pee like reeeeeally bad. I'll be right back." Hailee announces after a few seconds before taking off. I sigh to myself quietly and sway to music by myself.

"Y/n?" I freeze at the familiarity of the voice and turn around.
"Hannah? I-.."

"It's been so long." She murmurs softly. I nod and step back.

"Yeah, it has been." I reply casually glancing back at the bathroom door. "Oh, how's Devin?" Is it low to talk about the guy she cheated on me with? Maybe, but who cares.

"I-I.. He's um, goo-"

"How's his head? I know he hit pretty hard when he climbed out the window."
"I-um, I.." I tilt my head and she blushes. "I'm sorry, for what happened. I made a really big mistake Y/n-"

"Hey babe, who are you chatting with?" Hailee asks as she drapes her arms around me and kisses my neck softly.
"Oh this is Hannah, my cheating ex."

"Holy shit..." I smirk at her and peck Hailees's lips softly.
"Hmm, well I guess I should thank you. I mean if you wouldn't have been such a shitty girlfriend I wouldn't have gotten together with MY girl." Hannah gulps and glances up at the speaker which plays You're Such A. "Damn, they must be playing a Hailee Steinfeld playlist." She mumbles into my ear.

"I'm going to go..." Hannah mutters before running off. I giggle and turn to Hailee who have has the cockiest smirk on her face.

"Now everyone here will know who you belong to." She whispers. I follow her gaze and see a large hickey on the front my neck. I slap her arm playfully and grab her waist.

"Wanna have some fun?" I tease glancing back at Hannah. She nods eagerly and kisses me hard. I open my mouth and she slips her tongue in grabbing my ass. I moan softly and she walks me towards the wall. My back hits it softly and Hailee moves down to my neck, leaving open ended kisses all around my collarbone before finding my sweet spot. "She's definitely watching." I mumble triumphantly.



Two updates in a day I'm so cool. Love you all<3

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