Vacation (C.W)

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Summary: After spending the entire summer with Y/n, Charlie finds it hard to survive an entire week without her... Best friend? Crush? Y/n.

Five Days Ago

"C'mon Char, it won't be that bad." Y/n reasoned with her best friend as the brunette pouted up at her, clinging onto the faded band t-shirt that belonged to Y/n's older brother, which she had stolen. Refusing to believe her friend, Charlie kept her grip on the y/h/c girl and begged her to stay.

"Please, you don't want to go to Canada, it's full of weird apologetic people." She reasoned, pulling Y/n back onto her bed and trapping her underneath her body. Y/n giggled and pulled Charlie down by the collar of her shirt.

"I don't have a choice baby." She replied, amusant obvious in her voice as her best friend continued to act like a child. She barely ever saw this side of Charlie and she had to say, she loved it.

"You can stay with me, I'll ask my mom, she won't care and you can just sleep in my bed-"

"Slow down there, you haven't even bought me dinner." Y/n joked, laughing when Charlie let out a groan of frustration and ran her hands through her friend's brown locks. "Besides, my parents would never let me stay home and I kind of want to visit Canada, I've heard the views there are gorgeous." She explained, smiling when Charlie nuzzled her head into the crook of her neck. She mumbled something that Y/n didn't hear and then wrapped her arms around Y/n's waist.

"But a week is so long." She complained, throwing herself down next to the y/h/c girl.

"It'll pass quickly and before you know it I'll be back," Y/n promised kissing the top of Charlie's head.

Y/n in fact was wrong.

The first day passed slower than Charlie could've ever imagined. She tried to sleep in but found herself worried about whether or not Y/n would forget about her in a week. It was a silly fear since they had spent most of the summer together, 24/7, but she still felt insecure. What if Y/n found some friendly Canadians and decided that they were cooler than her? You never know.

The second day was just as bad. She spent most of her time listening to whatever cartoon her brother was watching from her room while making a drawing of Y/n. She made at least twenty drawings of Y/n that day. Her irrational fears continued and she told herself that if Y/n never came back at least she would always remember her through the drawings. Although, Charlie wasn't the best artist and Y/n didn't look exactly like she did in real life but it was good enough.

The third day went rather quickly for once as Charlie spent the day in the garage, hanging out with Bumblebee who admitted to Charlie that he also missed Y/n.

"God, I shouldn't be this freaked out! She's gone for a week! I need more friends or something this is pathetic." She complained, flopping down onto the makeshift chair she had fixed up from the junkyard. Before she had used a kitchen chair from her house but after leaving it out overnight a couple of times her mom vetoed the removal of her 'precious kitchen chairs'.

Bumblebee beeped in response and Gloria Gaynor's "I Will Survive" played for a few seconds.

"Thanks, Bee, Y/n will be back soon enough." She looked around pensively. "Maybe we can go for a drive tomorrow, go to the beach. I wanna get a tan, then Y/n won't have to stare at my pasty skin for the rest of the summer." She joked, patting Bumblebee's head/roof.

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