Interviews (H.S)

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Summary: Hailee knows Y/n gets anxious during interviews so she takes it upon herself to help the girl.

Y/n POV:

I already feel nervous, I love acting but these interviews are seriously going to be the death of me. I'm always so worried that I'll say something wrong and get canceled or spoil something and lose my job.

"Hey Y/n/n, are you ready for our next interview?" My costar Hailee asks with a bright smile on her face as she walks into my dressing room. I nod my head but don't say anything as I try to psyche myself up. "Are you alright Y/n? If you're nervous about the interview there's no need to be, I'll be with you the entire time." She murmurs walking towards me.

"What if I mess up and say something stupid or-"

"You won't Y/n/n, you're incredibly smart it would be impossible for something stupid to come out of your mouth." She reassures me wrapping her arms around me. I lean into her warmth and return the hug feeling quite relaxed as we stay together for a couple of minutes.

"Miss L/n have you seen your co-star-" The stage manager stops short. "Oh- um, we need you both now." I let go of Hailee and we both nod our heads.

"We'll be right out," Hailee replies as I step a bit further away from her. He nods and then pauses.

"You both have had your makeup done, right?" I nod my head and turn to look at Hailee who's also nodding her head. "Great, then let's get going." He announces, beckoning us to follow him. We weave through bustling corridors filled with people yelling directions and writing things down on clipboards. I try to slow down my breathing as people push against me and I get jostled around. A big man shoves past me quickly and I go flying into a wall.

"Ow fuck." I mumble rubbing my head. Hailee stops following the man to run back to me and even from far away I can see the concern etched on her face.

"Oh my god, Y/n? Are you okay?!" She asks cupping my cheeks. I nod my head and blush slightly at the feeling of her hands on my face before she pecks my forehead. "That guy is such a jackass! I can't believe he just pushed past you like that. How rude." She seethes. I shrug my shoulders and she drops her hands suddenly becoming embarrassed.

"Girl, girls why're we stopping!? We need to be on in TWO MINUTES." The man informs us before rushing off again. I hastily start to follow him and chuckle to myself when Hailee mumbles some unsavory words about him under her breath. When we reach the set he directs us to sit down in the chairs opposite where the woman interviewing us is getting her mic ready. "All right, Jerry and Parker will help you two get mic'd up and then we'll be on." He explains pointing to a boy and a girl who smiles at us.

"Afternoon ladies." Jerry greets us happily. He seems like a sweet guy, barely out of his fifties. He tells Parker something and then walks over to me. "Alright Miss L/n, I'm just going to clip this mic right on your shirt is that alright with you?"

"Of course, go right ahead," I reply, glancing over at Hailee whose eyes stare right back at me. We both jump slightly and look away.

"Okay, all done! You're not connected to our sound system and we will catch all the words that come out of your beautiful mouth!" I beam at him and his face displays a toothy grin. "Enjoy the interview!" He calls before walking away. I turn to look at Hailee whose person has also walked away and smile at her taking her hand in mine. She smiles back at me and runs my thumb soothing trying to calm my nerves.

"You're going to do absolutely amazing today Y/n/n." She whispers resting our interlaced fingers on my bouncing leg causing it to cease its movements finally.

"Thanks, Haizy, it means a lot to hear you say that. I'm really glad I get to do this interview with you, being with you makes me feel safer." I whisper back. Her eyes light up and she jumps up engulfing me in a warm hug.

"I'm so happy to hear that darling, there's no one else I'd rather do an interview with than you." She settles herself on my lap until the interviewer comes and I smile up at her. I should definitely get this crush thing sorted out before it ruins our friendship..

"So Y/n, you've stated before that you thought it would be quite possible for Y/c/n and Kate to meet since Y/c/n is a widow like Yelena and now they've met for the first time but it was the opposite of how everyone thought it was going to go. How do you think their relationship is going to grow from here?" I take a moment to clasp my shaking hands together before opening my mouth to speak.

"Well, I think that Kate is struggling right now with Eleanor being in jail which caused them to have a rough first encounter but I believe that they'll warm up to each other with Yelena's help and definitely become close since they are the definition of opposites attract." I glance over at Hailee while I'm speaking who nods encouragingly at me as I finish and the interviewer smiles.

"That was very well said."


"Well, was that as terrible as you thought it was going to be?" Hailee asks me as we cuddle on the couch in my trailer. I lift my head from the crook of her neck and laugh softly.

"No, it was actually quite manageable. I felt a lot more confident with you by my side." I admit looking up at her with a small smile on my face. Her expression grows even happier and she wraps her arms tighter around me.

"I'm so happy that I make you feel safe." She whispers in my ear. I lay my head down on her chest and sigh. I know it's probably because of how I feel about her. "Wait, what?" I freeze and look up at her in horror.

"I- um didn't mean to say that aloud.. It's nothing to worry about-" Her lips brush against mine before firmly pressing themselves onto my surprised ones and I let out a sharp squeak. Our lips move in unison as I take in the feel of her.

"You're really cute when you ramble love." I gawk up at her and she boops my nose. "I really like you Y/n." She adds when I don't say anything.

"You, like me?" I ask my brain not fully comprehending her words.

"Yes silly, I like you. In a more than a friend way. Like in an I want to kiss you and take you on dates and make you feel like the prettiest girl in the world kinda way because that's what you deserve." She whispers cupping my cheek. "Do you like me in that way too?" She asks nervously trapping her bottom lip between her teeth. I nod my head slowly and she smiles down at me.

"Yeah, yeah I like you like that too Haiz." She pecks my lips again and I sigh pulling her lips back onto mine and humming happily. "Guess that was some hell of an interview right?"


Just some soft fluff for y'all while I work on some part threes. I hope you enjoyed it and have a lovely day, make sure to eat food, stay hydrated and have fun! Love youuu<3333333

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