That Way Pt. 2

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Hailee POV:

Y/n hasn't spoken to me in days and I don't know why. Okay, that's not exactly true but I don't know why she's suddenly pulling away, I know she has a crush on me and no matter what I tell myself I think I have one on her too. It's like I wanna be near her all the time, I want to hold her and kiss her, and I never ever want to see some dumbass guy or girl flirting with her. I really think I'm falling in love with her, even though I keep on telling myself not to. It's impossible though, to not fall in love with someone so perfect, I mean just look at her, she is beautiful inside and out-

"Hailee, are you listening to me?" My mom asks annoyed as I stare off into space.

"Pardon?" I reply shaking my head and looking over at her, finding her rolling her eyes as she carefully folds another hand towel and places it into the drawer. It wrinkles a little and she pulls it out re-folding it. Everything must be perfect, especially me.

"I was asking if Y/n is going to come over today, you two haven't been hanging out as much as you usually do." She explains casually but the way her eyes search my face I can tell she's up to something. She likes Y/n, we've been friends for years so my mom trusts her but one thing I hate about my mom is she's so into gossiping, she'll spend all day talking with her friends and gossiping about everyone in the neighborhood, which includes Y/n. I place my spoon back into my bowl of cereal and sigh softly.

"What did you hear mother, if you've been talking to Y/m/n-"

"Janet is saying she's a lesbian." My mother hisses, before looking around quickly to see if anyone heard. Due to the fact, we're in our own house without company though she seems to be satisfied with the lack of people in our living room.

Shit. This is bad.

"Mom, that's crazy, Y/n was just telling me about the guy she likes. His name's Henri and he's from the French school across town." I lie quickly hoping she'll believe me. Her brows furrow for a few seconds, "He's cute and I heard from a couple of my friends who are close with him that he likes a girl at our whose name is Y/n, so that's good!" I add on hoping it will suffice her curiosity. Her eyebrows un-tense and she nods her head.

"So it looks like maybe she'll have a boyfriend soon?" My mom inquires, her voice now completely transformed from a 'mom' tone to 'tell me the gossip'. I nod my head along quietly and take another bite of cereal.

"Hopefully, but you know how Y/n can be sometimes. Henri will most definitely have to take the first move, and then maybe the next twenty, Y/n never believes me when I tell her someone has a crush on her." I explain. It's technically not a lie, Henri does have a crush on Y/n and Y/n does suck at reading the signs but hopefully, she doesn't like Henri back.

"That girl doesn't understand how gorgeous she is. It's really a shame she hasn't had a boyfriend yet." My mom replies shaking her head and placing yet another towel into the basket.

"Yeah, she always has crushes on guys but then she never pursues them at all, but she's definitely not gay." I lie, once trying to confirm that there's no way Y/n likes girls.

"That's good, I wouldn't want you associating with one of those people." She spits out with disgust shaking her head and folding another towel more aggressively.

Those kind of people..

"Hey, mom.." I call out after a few seconds of pondering. She lifts her head and smiles over at me, her past expression of disgust lifted from her gaze. I smile back.


"What would you do if I or Griffin were um one of those people..." I ask quietly not wanting to know the answer. She frowns and stops folding a maroon-colored towel. Maybe this was a bad decision. A few seconds pass and she doesn't say anything, she just stares at me in horror, frozen. Then suddenly she exclaims.

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