In the past (H.S)

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Summary: Y/n and Hailee are prepared to have a sweet night in together, but what happens when an unwanted visitor shows up to ruin the fun?

A/N: I read a one-shot similar to this and wanted to post my own angsty version of it but I forgot who wrote it and what it was called. So if you recognize it please tell me who so I can credit them lol.


I park my car hastily and practically sprint through the lobby of my apartment. I press the button to call the elevator and take it up to my apartment floor. I'm so excited since Hailee and I our spending all night together! We're watching through all the Harry Potter movies because this morning we were talking about them on Facetime as we got ready together. I unlock my door and find Hailee sprawled out on my couch lazily with blankets and Whiteclaws. She jumps up excitedly when she sees me and tackles me with kisses making me drop the groceries.

"Hey baby, how was your day?" I ask giggling slightly and picking her up as she peppers kisses all over my face.

"Better now that you're here." She mumbles into the crook of my neck. Her legs wrap around my waist and I bend down to pick up the groceries with one hand the other holding her securely to my body.

"Mhm, I agree coming home to you is definitely the highlight of my day." I reply making my way to the kitchen and putting all the groceries away except for the snacks.

I place Hailee on the counter and she whines softly still holding my one hand hostage, interlacing her fingers between mine as I pour out the chips into a bowl.

"Hey lovey, I'm going to grab Martini from her kennel so she can hang out with us." She explains hopping off the counter. "If that's okay with you." She adds quickly staring at me nervously. I place the bag of chips down and turn to look at her.

"Of course, I love Tini and she doesn't have to stay in her kennel when she's over here. My home is your home Haiz." I reassure her pecking her lips softly. She grins and runs off to get Martini out of her kennel. I turn back to the bowl and empty the rest of the bag before someone knocks on the door. I walk over racking my brain on who it could be and open the door.

"Hey Y/n/n." She greets me softly standing right outside of my door.

"Ashley? W-what are you doing here?" I stutter as she takes my hand in hers.

"Y/n, love. I miss you. I should have never left and I want to be with you again, I just couldn't break through your walls so I gave up. It was and still is the worst decision l've ever made, please let me prove to you that I can be better." She explains coming closer. I look down at her as she caresses my cheek.

"Ash.." I trail off starting to back up. "I have a girlfr-" She cuts me off pulling my head down into a deep kiss. I pull away and step away crossing my arms.

"What the fuck." I hear someone say behind me. I spin around and see Hailee with Martini in her arms tears filling up her eyes.

"Hailee, I promise it's not what it looked like I-" I start.

"I'm sorry I didn't know you were dating someone I never would've kissed you back if I did." Ashley lies, what the absolute fuck?! I gawk at her and quickly turn back to Hailee who's lip is starting to quiver.

"She kissed me!" I protest moving towards her. She backs up slightly and I let a couple tears roll down my cheeks.

"Who is that even?" She whispers quietly still holding Martini. I glare back at Ashley who is starting to look slightly guilty.

"THAT is my EX-girlfriend Ashley." I explain coldly clenching my jaw before turning back to Hailee. Her face falls slightly and she walks away to my room. I know better than to follow her so instead I storm up to Ashley.

"I loved you, I really did l-I thought that I was going to spend the rest of my life with you. Hell, I even bought a ring that I was just working up the courage to give you! But you left. You chose to give up on us so you don't get to come back now and say that you love me or you regret you decision. Or my favourite that you miss me because YOU left. I moved on, I found Hailee and I care about her so much! I can't believe you think that if you lie to her about kissing me I'll get back together with you. Even if the wonderful girl in that room breaks up with me there is no way in hell I'll ever date you again. I will keep on fighting for her forever because I wanna spend the rest of my life with her and I NEVER EVER want to see you again." I yell tears slipping down my face.

She nods and walks out leaving me to slump down on the floor sobbing. I hear the bedroom door open quietly and I try to control my tears. Hailee slips down beside me and I glance over at her sniffling. I don't want to overstep her boundary but Hailee wraps her arms around me and I melt into her touch, wrapping my arms around her quickly and resting my head in the crook of her neck.

"I love you." I mumble quietly and she tilts my head up.

"R-really??" She stutters and I widen my eyes at what I just said.

"You don't have to say it back I just it just slipped out I-"

"I love you too." She replies quickly and I smile up at her. She connects our lips in a soft kiss and I smile reciprocating the kiss. After a few seconds we pull apart and I stand up offering my hand to Hailee.

"How about we watch that movie now?" I offer cheekily picking her up and peppering her face with kisses again.

"I'd like that.." Hailee giggles and I grab the bowl of chips from the kitchen. I flop down onto the couch with Hailee still in my arms and she snuggles up into my arms pulling a blanket over top of us. I open us each a Whiteclaw and hit play hearing the lovely sound of the Harry Potter theme song...

A/n: Hehe just some angsty fluff before I dump some traumatizing angst on you ;)

Don't forget to eat and drink water my gorgeous humans.

Love you ❤

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