I Get You All Day? (H.S)

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Summary: Y/n and Hailee have had such busy schedules until one day they're both free.

Y/n POV:

My phone dings and I pick it up, an email notification is displayed on my home screen.

Dear Miss L/n,

It seems that some of our crew has gotten sick and will be unable to come in tomorrow, unfortunately, this means we will have to postpone filming til next week. We are sorry for the inconvenience and look forward to seeing you on Monday.

Enjoy your weekend, Debra

Wow, it feels like it's been forever since I had the weekends off. Maybe Hailee and I could do something together..

"Hey Hails, are you doing anything tomorrow?" I murmur softly into Hailee's ear. She yawns and shakes her head lifting it up from my neck.

"No, I'm off all day tomorrow." She mumbles sleepily. "Wait why? Do you think you might be able to hang out for a bit?" She asks curiously her drowsy state now replaced with excitement. A bright smile covers my face and I pause the TV show we're watching.

"I just got an email from my manager saying that some people are sick and they're postponing shooting so I'm off all day tomorrow!" I explain happily wrapping my arms even tighter around her and connecting our lips in a soft kiss. She squeals excitedly and pulls back.

"So, we'll have ALL DAY to hang out tomorrow?!" She exclaims excitedly. I nod my head in confirmation and she pumps her fist in the air. "Yesyesyesyesyesyesyes!!!!!"


"Hailee baby, it's time to wake up," I call softly peppering kisses all over my girlfriend's face. She groans and shakes her head desperately trying to push me off. "Oh, I see how it is. I guess someone doesn't want my kisses." I announce with mock offense, getting off of her. Her eyes fly open and she sits up straight a horrified look on her face.

"Nononono, wait, baby-"

"No, I've learned how you truly feel." I clutch my hand to my chest and shake my head, getting up and leaving our room dramatically. I chuckle to myself as I hear footsteps rushing out to follow me and I turn around just in time to catch my favorite brunette.

"I'm so so so so sorry baby, how will you ever forgive me?" She asks in mock apology. I shake my head and place her back down on the ground pressing a soft kiss onto her forehead before shrugging.

"I've already forgiven you, love, I'm just so absolutely and incredibly merciful that I'll let this one slide.. For now." I joke moving both of our bodies to the kitchen where I already prepared breakfast.

"Well, thank you Y/n/n I can always count on you being a magnanimous girlfrien- oh my god is that bacon!?" She completely abandons her speech and rushes to the island counter where I set out plates for us.

"I figured that making breakfast on our day together would be a good call, and now I'm seeing I was correct," I reply sliding into the seat next to her and taking a bite of pancake.

"Definitely," Hailee mumbles through a mouthful of food. "You're the perfect girlfriend Y/n." I blush and place a slightly syrupy kiss on her lips before taking another bite and closing my eyes to savor the taste.


Hailee POV:

"Hey, Y/n/n- oh." I stop short when my eyes meet her small frame curled up on the couch. Her chest falls up and down rhythmically and I can't help but stare in amazement at my girl.

I can't believe I get to call her mine..

A soft snore leaves her parted lips and I smile to myself as she nuzzles her head closer to the cushion. I pull out my phone and quietly take a picture before carefully slipping my body next to her and wrapping my arms securely around her. Our breathing starts to sync up and I find myself slowly falling asleep with her.


Y/n POV:

My eye slowly flutters open and I grunt blinking a couple of times to get my bearings.

Fuck. I fell asleep.

I attempt to roll around but a tall brunette prevents me from doing so. I pull out my phone and check the time. 12:21 pm. I really fell right back asleep after breakfast.

"Hailee baby, it's almost lunchtime." I groan wiping the sleep out of my eyes. She stirs slightly but ends up just holding me tighter and snuggling up closer. "Sorry for falling asleep," I whisper and turn over so she can crawl onto me. Her body drapes itself over mine and she rests her head sleepily on my chest mumbling something about how comfortable she is. "Do you wanna go back to sleep?" I ask quietly running my hands through her hair. She shakes her head slowly and pushes herself off my chest.

"No, I'll wake up eventually. I want to spend this day with you." She replies after a few seconds. I smile and peck her lips before picking her up and carrying her back to the kitchen.


I know this is really short and pretty shitty, but I wanted to update it with some fluff before I post some angsty content. Mwahaha. Love ya<3

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