So that's it? Pt. 4 (H.S)

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Hailee POV:

I know I fucked up. I should've been there. I should've helped them pack up, but the truth is I didn't realize they were leaving so early. My manager called me this morning and said he NEEDED to talk to me about something urgent so I went into a Zoom meeting around 10 am. I could tell Y/n was disappointed that I was already back to work but worst of all it seemed she just used it as evidence to solidify her case for leaving.

"Alright, thank you so much for joining us this morning Hailee. I appreciate how dedicated you are to your work." My manager informs me as we say our goodbyes.

"Of course, I'm always available, I'll see you tomorrow at the studio," I reply, leaving the meeting. I hastily put away my laptop and run downstairs. "Y/n baby, is everything packed away?" I call hoping there might be something left.


I walk out towards the balcony and try to soot her Jeep but it's gone.


I run into the kitchen finding it empty before making my way to Alex's room. It's empty too, but not just people-wise, almost everything has been removed. I run up to our room and find it quite bare.

She's gone.
She left me.

I pull out my phone and click on my recently called list before tapping on 'my beautiful girl's

"Pick up, pick up," I mutter under my breath.

"Mommy?" A small voice answers and I sigh softly.

"Hey buddy, can you pass the phone to momma for me?" I reply calmly as I continue to search around the room.

"Sure, but when are you coming over? Momma said you promised you would visit sometime."

"Um soon buddy, now can you pass the phone to momma please?"

"Okay, I'll go find her. Why weren't we allowed to say goodbye? Why were you working when we were leaving? Momma said you told us not to talk to her while you were in your meeting so I couldn't say goodbye. Why?"

I did say that, didn't I? I'm such a terrible wife.

"I'm sorry buddy, I was just in an important meeting on my computer," I reply and he sniffles.

"Okay, here's momma."

"Hello?" Y/n's angelic voice answers.

"A-are you gone?" I stutter my voice breaking apart. I hear a sigh and then some shuffling.

"Yeah, I was hoping your meeting would be done by then but I needed to sign some paperwork."

"What kind of paperwork?" I ask nervously waiting for her response as I pace around the room. There's a pause and tears well up in my eyes.

"Not divorce papers baby, just some stuff for the apartment. I'm not going to go behind your back and serve you with divorce papers Hailee, that's now how I would ever want that to work if it came to that." She replies softly.

If it came to that

"Okay," I whisper trying not to let my voice waver as tears slip down my face. She lets out a sigh and then Alex calls her.

"I've gotta go." She mumbles to me while Alex's voice calls out cheerfully to her.

"Bye." I love you.

"Bye." She replies, before hanging up. I don't think I've hung up the phone with Y/n without saying I love you in years.

I've really fucked this up.

Hailee Steinfeld Oneshots (GxG)Where stories live. Discover now