Hate to Love You (H.S)

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Summary: Y/n is Hailee's worst enemy. She doesn't even know why to her knowledge she's never done anything remotely wrong but for some reason the brunette girl despises her...

Y/n POV:

"Stop, that's absolute bullshit." I gasp, while my best friend Maya continues to tell her story through a fit of laughter.

"That's what I said but Jackson said it wasn't!" I shake my head at her.

"Jackson is literally the least reliable source for... Well, anything." I reply trying to find some reason in the outrageous story she's telling me. Maya opens her mouth to respond when someone's shoulder slams into mine, causing me to stumble forward. Hailee. The smug grin on her face tells me she quite enjoyed doing that to me and I roll my eyes at her internally. Suddenly a wave of confidence rolls over me and I mutter under my breath. "Bitch."

"Excuse me what did you just say?" She asks, raising an eyebrow at me. I straighten up and smile at her.

"I called you a bitch, I'm sure you're familiar with the word unless of course everyone only causes you that behind your back." I retort haughtily crossing my arms. There is a couple of oo's from other people as they gather around us but Hailee just clenches her jaw.

"At least they don't think that I'm a fucking dyke." Everyone's eyes widen and before I can respond to her comment Hailee's slammed to the ground. I stare down at Maya who punches Hailee twice before I can finally pull her off.

"Maya, get off!" I yell, pushing her back from Hailee everyone starts to scatter as the principal arrives and I offer Hailee a hand up. She takes it, and then I feel a hot stinging sensation on my cheek. Did she just slap me?

"Steinfeld, Hawke, L/n my office right now!" He yells at us. I drop Hailee's hand and grab Maya's before walking with him toward the office. Once we get in he points to three chairs which are right in front of his desk before sitting down himself. "Alright, one at a time, with no interruptions I'm going to ask each of you what happened." He explains pointing to Hailee. She nods and sends me a wink.

"I was just walking down the hall, minding my own business when suddenly, Y/n steps out while I'm walking so I hit her shoulder accidentally. She yelled at me and called me the b-word before her friend viciously attacked me! I was so scared that Y/n was going to attack me too so I hit her, in self-defense.." Hailee lies with a frown on her face.

What. The. Fuck.

The principal's eyes widen and he turns to look at me and Maya.

"Y/n, would you like to tell your side of the story?" He asks, crossing his arms. I nod.

"I was talking with Maya and then Hailee- as per usual -hit me with her shoulder, so I turned to look at her. Yes, I might've used an unsavory word but Hailee called me the d-word and that's when Maya jumped on her. I pulled her off and then offered Hailee a hand up, she took it and then slapped me right across the face, that's what ACTUALLY happened." I explain truthfully. He glances over at Hailee who furrows her eyebrows.

"Well then, is there anything else you'd like to add Maya?" He asks after taking a deep breath. Maya shakes her head.

"No, Y/n explained everything that happened," Maya replies, glaring at Hailee. He sighs and then nods his head.

"Very well then, all of you will have detention for three weeks," He pauses and turns to Maya. "You may go, I'd like to talk with Y/n and Hailee for a little bit longer." I gulp and glance over at Hailee who also seems slightly nervous.

"Alright then.." Maya replies awkwardly, pushing her chair back and standing up. She gives me an encouraging smile before exiting the room leaving me and Hailee along with the principal.

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