I'll Be There for You (K.B)

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Summary: Kate and Y/n meet at the bar and spend the night together, what happens when they are unforeseen consequences to their actions?

(A world where women get other women pregnant)

Kate POV:

Yelena dragged me to this fancy club tonight to
'blow off some steam' and I have zero desire to be here. I know she's just trying to help get my mind off the whole situation with my mom but all I want to do right now is curl up with Lucky and watch cheesy rom-coms.

"C'mon Kate Bishop, go out there and find yourself a woman."
How did she know? "I'm not blind Kate. There is absolutely no way a straight woman would wear that suit. Plus I've seen you not so subtly checking out that y/h/c girl all night."

"She probably has a boyfriend," I mumble. She isn't wrong about the checking out though, that girl is seriously hot.

"Every single man that has come up to her has walked away unsuccessfully." My eyebrows furrow and I look her up and down.

Y/n POV:

I glance over in the direction of the club and find a quite attractive raven-haired girl staring at me. Hmm, she's hot.

"Hey Harp, I'll be right back," I call before starting to walk in her direction.

"Hi! My name's Yelena and this is Kate." The girl next to Kate says. I nod my head and turn to Kate.

"A pretty girl like you should be on the dancefloor, not moping around by the bar." She blushes and looks down but I tilt her chin back up.

"Sorry for staring." She whispers. How was that hot and cute at the same time? I shake my head and smirk at her.

"I enjoyed it." Her eyes widen and she grabs my hand. "I'm Y/n."

"I'm Kate like my friend said." I nod and pull her onto the dance floor.

"So, why were you moping?" I ask curiously as I place my hands on her waist. She shrugs and wraps her arms around my neck.

"Just been kinda low lately y'know?" I hum and start to sway my hip to the new song that starts playing. Her eyes drop down to my lips and I smirk.

"So can I help end your moping?" I whisper seductively in her ear. She blushes and nods her head softly. I cup her cheek and part her lips. I press my lips onto hers softly, relishing in the sweet yet subtle taste of strawberry lip gloss and tequila. Her lips move against me, gliding over mine in the most heavenly way. I tilt my head and swipe my tongue on the bottom of her lip, asking for more while her hands feel up my body. She opens her mouth excitedly and I slip my tongue into her mouth. Our tongues battle against each other for dominance but I win eventually. I pull her off the dance floor and we stumble into her car.


My eyes flutter as light streams through my window and I sigh softly.

"Harper, get off of me, go sleep on the couch," I grumble finally opening my eyes fully. I quickly notice that I'm not in my room and I glance down. A naked Kate lies on top of me, her messy black hair spread across my chest where her head rests. Her breathing is slow and she softly snores from time to time, her pink lips exhaling and inhaling. I find my hand softly caressing her hair until she rolls off of me onto her pillow. I hop up quickly and head to the kitchen. My legs ache slightly from last night's activities but I work through it and head over to her bathroom. I quickly take a shower and towel myself dry before pulling on one of her shirts. I find my way into the kitchen and scavenge her apartment for the ingredients for pancakes.

Kate POV:

My eyes slowly open and I groan at the light that fills my room. Why did I choose to go out drinking with Yelena? Suddenly a loud bang breaks me out of my thought and I hop out of bed nervously. I run out of my room and stop short when I see Y/n smiling clumsily at me.

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