Birthday Girl (H.S) (*)

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Summary: It's Hailee's birthday and Y/n wants to make sure it's as special as her.



"I just want everything to be perfect." I sigh, letting my head fall back onto the couch. "She deserves it," I add in a whisper. Griffin stares back at me, shaking his head and smiling.

"You're whipped L/n," He teases, pushing my shoulder playfully. "I mean knew lesbians could get like this, but seeing it in person is something different." He jokes, his smile indicating that he's proud of his joke. I roll my eyes and look away, but I can't suppress the smile on my face as I picture Hailee seeing everything I have planned.

"I just," I falter, trying to find the words I need to describe how I feel. "I love her. I do." The words come out of my mouth and I feel a huge amount of pressure leave my body. I finally said it out loud. Even if wasn't to Hailee, it still counts.

"I know. I'm her older brother, I can tell when it comes to these things." I glance over at him and see the smile on his face. "I think she feels the same way Y/n/n. No, I know she does. Y/n, look at me." I straighten my posture and turn to look at him.


"You two are meant to be together." His voice is serious as he stares into my eyes. "Don't ever forget that. When things get hard just remember what I said because you guys are my OTP and if you break up I'll be crushed." He ends off on a lighter note, pushing my shoulder before turning back to the TV that has been paused, waiting for us to continue watching.


Hailee POV

"Good morning, my love." I hear my girlfriend's voice whisper in my ear before starting to plant soft kisses on my jawline. "Happy birthday Haiz." She adds, causing me to open my eyes.

Right, today's my birthday.

"Hey," I rasp out, letting my eyes adjust to the bright room. I see Y/n smiling down at me and I pucker my lips, insinuating that I want a kiss. She laughs and leans down, placing a sweet peck on my lips. I shake my head and reach for her face, pulling it back down to give her a real kiss.

"Needy girl." She mumbles against my lips as I try to get some tongue action in. I ignore her and grope around her body, settling one hand around her back with the other on her thigh. I run my hands up and down her thigh, gently rubbing circles on the inner part.

"It's my birthday, I get to choose how I want to wake up." I retort as she pulls away. She rolls her eyes playfully and pushes me back down so that my head lands on the pillow.

"Is this what you want?" She asks sultrily, pulling up her top and exposing her lacy bra. I nod my head dumbly, my eyes focused on her chest. A finger lifts my head back up and she smiles down at me, letting her shirt fall back down. "Well too bad, you'll have to wait until after dinner." She gets up and leaves me hot and bothered, sitting dumbfounded in our bed.

"Wait!" I call out weakly. She reappears and smiles at me, winking.

"Come have breakfast, baby." She explains, waltzing off, leaving me alone once again.

"I know what I want to eat," I grumble, feeling a little annoyed at her teasing. This is not what I wanted when I woke up.

"I heard that!" She calls loudly from the kitchen. "Now come get some food!" Hesitantly I get up and make my way to the kitchen where I find Y/n staring at me with a cute grin on her face. She points towards the stovetop and I see my favourite breakfast food waiting for me.

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