Stuck On Repeat Pt. 3 (H.S)

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Part Three?! This one jumps around POVs a lot so I apologize if you get confused, I've tried to make it as clear as possible. Also, I think I listened to Stay by Gracie Abrams too many times while writing this...

(Three Weeks Later)

Hailee POV:

"Hailee you have to get out of bed." My brother tells me, pushing my shoulder gently. "Please, I'm worried." His voice cracks and my heart clenches in pain.

"I'm fine, Griff, I'm just tired." I lie, rolling over to look up at him. He stares down at me in disbelief and then shakes his head.

"No, you're not. I heard..." He pauses as if debating whether to continue. "I heard what happened between you and Y/n." He admits, rubbing his neck awkwardly. I sit up straight and shake my head.

"What?! How-" I lower my voice so my parents don't hear anything. "How did you hear about it?" I ask, concerned that our fight has become the new, hot gossip.

"Y/n told me." I stare blankly at him, feeling her name send a mixture of anger and hurt into my stomach. Nevertheless, I still feel my heart flutter a little.

"W-what did she tell you?" I ask nervously, my voice still in the quiet tone it was before. Griffin looks away for a few seconds.

"She said that you're dealing with something but she wasn't going to tell me what exactly because it wasn't her place but that I should keep an eye on you because.. She's really worried about you." He dares a glance at my face as I swallow thickly. "She also mentioned that you two got into a fight and she's not very... Impressed by you right now but she still wanted someone to look out for you,"

"Why?" I regret the words leaving my mouth as Griffin turns to me, surprised.

"Isn't it obvious, Hailee? She loves you, and cares for you so she wants you to be okay." I scoff and turn away.

"She doesn't care about me right now-"

"Don't say that!" His loud voice shocks me and I jump a little, turning to look at him. "Can't you see how much she loves you? Do you think that she would message me so that I would check in on you if she didn't care about you? Open your eyes, Hailee, that girl loves you! She loves you so much even after you've done whatever it is that you've done to hurt her." He exclaims, standing up and throwing his hands in the air.

"I fucked it all up, Griff," I explain in a low raspy voice. "Even if she cares about me she doesn't want to see me anymore. She told me that herself." I wince at the memory of her voice yelling at me. 

"What did you do?" He asks, his voice tender and caring.

"What didn't I do?"


Y/n POV:

"Are you sure you don't want to go out to the party tonight, babe?" Talia asks, draping her arms over my shoulders as I read my Biology notes. I shake my head and continue to scan the last bit of writing.

"No, you go, I have an exam tomorrow and I have to keep my grades up," I mumble, feeling her lips press against my collarbone. It feels nice physically, but at the same time, wrong. Her hands run down against my arms and I let out a sigh, trying to relax into her touch. It doesn't work. Of course it doesn't, I'm trying to pretend it's Hailee even though I can't stand the thought of seeing her. 

"Are you sure?" She replies, spinning my chair around and sliding into my lap. I smile and brush a strand of hair out of her face. "I could stay here and study with you..." Her tone implies something that makes me freeze. I look her up and down. 

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