That Way (H.S)

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Summary: Friends don't look at friends that way...

Y/n POV:

Run me in circles, like you always do.

    "Wow, you look hot Y/n," Hailee murmurs sultrily wrapping her arms around me. I shiver under her touch and then she lets go turning back to her makeup.

    "Thank you." I stutter distractedly watching her mouth curl into a smirk as she touches up her mascara.

Mess with me on purpose, so I'll hang onto you.

    "Spin the bottle, spin the bottle!" Everyone chants while Hailee looks mischievously at me. She spins it and my eyes stay glued to it the entire time hoping with all my heart that it'll land on me. To my surprise, the bottle comes to a slow stop right in front of me. She smirks and flirtatiously places herself on my lap. Her lips crash onto mine and she lets out a soft whine quiet enough that no one else hears as I slip my tongue into her mouth. Her hands run through my hair tugging on it lightly and grinding herself on me. After a few more seconds she abruptly pulls back and hops off seemingly unaffected.

I know what you mean when you act like that,

    "Ew, that's so weird! Who would kiss their best friend!?" One of the girls exclaims and all the other girls agree loudly.

    "I'd never wanna kiss my best friend," Hailee announces bluntly her eyes falling on me. I nod my head in agreement but stay quiet so no one notices my pain.

But you don't know it's breaking my heart.

Her warm hands run through my hair as I lie on her chest and she giggles as her lips fall into my temple soft placing kisses all over my forehead.

Said that it was just never gonna happen than almost kissed me in the dark.

Her lips move down to my nose and then my cheeks as she kisses me everywhere but my lips

    "Hailee..." I mumble but she doesn't stop. "Hailee," I try again.

    "Isn't it silly for people to fall in love with their best friend?" She murmurs after a few seconds. "I mean think about it, that would be like you and me being together. That would never, ever happen." She adds nonchalantly as her lips move around my face. Suddenly she stops right in front of my lips staring down at them. She leans in slowly and her lips brush across mine when she jerks back.

Every time we talk it just hurts so bad, cause I don't even know what we are, I don't even know where to start...

    "Why do you keep ignoring me Y/n!? It's not fair, I'm your BEST FRIEND, if I didn't care about you no one would!" She yells throwing her hands up in the air exasperatedly. I step back and wipe a tear from my eye before just walking away.

    "I've just been busy."

But I can play the part,

We say we're friends but I'm catching you across the room.

Her eyes meet mine and she winks at me, seductively running her hands through her hair. I look behind me to see if she's looking at someone else but no one's behind me. I turn back to her and she giggles to herself before parting her lips by pulling down the bottom with her thumb and staring at me with a sultry look.

It makes no sense cause we're fighting over what we do.

    "Just shut up!" She yells slamming my back against the wall. I wince in pain and she continues staring at me when her eyes drop to my lips. Her mouth ghosts mine and she lets go. "I'm sorry.." She whispers pulling me into her arms. "I'm so sorry Y/n/n."

And there's no way that I'll end up being with you

I watch silently as a guy looks Hailee up and down while she pushes his shoulder playfully and smiles.

But friends don't look at friends that way...

Friends don't look at friends that way.


I'm sorry about this one. Love you<3

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