No Vacancy (H.S)

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Summary: Hailee thinks her crush on Y/n is doomed when the older girl moves up to high school but what happens when the bus is packed one day? (Hailee isn't famous in this oneshot).

Y/n's age: 16

Hailee's age: 15

Y/n is in grade 10 and Hailees's in grade 9. (The high school is grade 10-12).

Hailee POV:

I quietly get off of the bus and cringe at the popular kids yelling loudly and chasing each other. I walk in front of the high school and wait for my transfer bus to arrive. I'm about to put my airpods in when I see her.

Y/n L/n, aka the hottest girl in my school... Or at least she was last year before she moved up to high school since she's a year older. Y/n's walking in my general direction when some idiot interrupts her.

"Y/n, get your fine ass over here!" Brian, the most obnoxious guy in the entire school calls catching the attention of the y/h/c girl. She rolls her eyes and changes her course of direction away from me and towards her friends.

"Ahh Brian glad to see you're still annoying as fuck, how's 9th grade treating you?" Y/n calls out as she reaches him.

"It's been good but it'd be better if you were still here." He replies and Y/n shrugs.

"Well, I've moved onto bigger and better things." She jokes as the bus pulls up. I walk over to it slowly and everyone rushes in front of me trying to get a place in the back. I'm the last person enter and what I see is horrifying.

Every. Single. Seat is filled up except for the popular kids who are sitting at the back. I turn to the bus driver who shrugs and points at Y/n.

"Hey L/n scooch over." The bus driver yells and she does moving over slightly barely looking up. I walk over nervously and when I get to her seat she looks up.

"H-hey, th-the bus driver t-told me to sit here." I stutter and she nods standing up and letting me in so she can still talk to her friends.

"Right, so I was with Mr. Smithe and he was bitching on me for not doing the homework but I literally handed it in!" Brian continues annoyedly taking no notice of me. The bus swerves to the right and I'm pushed into Y/n's lap. She turns over to look at me and I smile sheepishly up at her.

"Y'okay there Steinfeld?" She asks and I freeze.

She knows my name!?

"Uh yeah, I-I'm fine sorry for bumping into you." I reply nervously and she shrugs.

"The bus is always doing crazy shit and causing people to get jostled around it's no problem." She reassures me and I nod moving away from her.

"Hey wait, you're that quiet girl in my math class!" Brian exclaims and I nod awkwardly as Y/n turns to me.

"How have you literally never noticed Hailee?" She asks partly joking and partly curious. "I remember Haiz and I'm a year older." She adds and I blush deeply. Smiling to myself about the nickname she just gave me.

"I don't know she's just quiet so I never notice her." He replies shrugging.

Y/n POV:

I'm baffled at how anyone could be in the same class as Hailee and not notice her. She's literally the most gorgeous girl I've ever seen.

"So, how's grade 9 been?" I ask Hailee and she shrugs.

"Some ups and some downs." She replies seeming slightly nervous. I nod and place my hand on her thigh.

"Yeah I get that." I murmur watching her face blush deeply as I softly pat her leg before removing my hand completely.

"So how's high school?" She asks and I smile.

"Really great, all the teachers actually want to be there which is a big step up from junior high." I reply and she giggles.

That's the cutest sound I've ever heard.

Her phone starts buzzing she smiles apologetically and picks it up.

"Ella I can't talk right now I'm in the middle of a conversation with Y/n." She tells the person on the phone.

"Oh my god Y/n L/n the girl you had the biggest crush on. You go girl! I remember you were heartbroken when she moved up to high school." A voice replies and Hailee blushes.

No way she has a crush on me.

"Uh yeah, I'll call you back later." Hailee mumble before hanging up the phone. I smile at her and go to say something but Brian taps on my shoulder.

"Hey Y/n, I have Jenna on the phone and she wants to talk with you." He says when I turn around. Back to reality I guess.

"Hey babe, how're you doing?" I ask and she smiles up at me.

"I'm doing good, do you wanna come over tonight my parents are out at some wine tasting event a couple hours away so they won't be back until tomorrow." Jenna replies and I nod.

"Sure, I'll see you tonight."


Guess who's back bitchessssss!!
Anyways I hope you enjoyed that ;)
Especially the ending *insert evil laugh*

It's really short but I needed to post something to give you guys an update because my last one was a while ago.

I love you so make sure to eat, drink and slay the day away lol.

I'm hoping to post some longer stories soon and I'm working on So That's It? Pt 2!


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