I'm Definitely Better (H.S)

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Summary: Y/n and Hailee have a tradition of making out to see who's better and one day Y/n goes a bit farther..

"Um excuse me! I'm definitely a better kisser than you!" Y/n exclaimed outraged at what Hailee had just suggested.

"Uh rude, I'm literally an actor I kiss people for a living." The brunette argued as they bickered back and forth. Y/n was pacing around and explaining how she had most definitely kissed more people than Hailee which meant she was better but the younger girl was not taking it.

"There is no way you're a better kisser than me L/n." Hailee decided standing up and pointing a finger at her best friend.

"Really? Well, then I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree." Y/n replied in a huff, but this sparked an idea in the other girl. Hailee grabbed her best friend's waist and smashed her lips onto Y/n's.

"W-what are you doing?" Y/n mumbled in between kisses and Hailee shrugged.

"Figuring out who's better duh." She explained and after a brief moment of non platonic-ness, they pulled apart.

"So have I converted you?" Y/n teased as they sat back down on the pop star's couch and Hailee shook her head.

"Nope, I'm definitely still a better kisser." She replied stubbornly. Y/n sighed and shook her head.

"Fine, then we'll try every night to convince each other who's better until we finally decide." She announced before smirking at Hailee. "Just don't fall madly in love with me Steinfeld." The girl teased before they sat back down and finished their movie.

(A few months later)

Y/n POV:

I get home and see that Hailee is already waiting for me.

"Hey bestie!" I call as I pull off my shoes and Hailee runs down to greet me.

"You're finally home!" She exclaims running into my arms and hopping onto my waist.

"Yep, I had to close up shop on my own tonight so it took me a bit longer sorry darling." I explain and she nods.

"Totally fine pretty girl, now do you wanna watch a movie?" She asks excitedly her legs still wrapped around my waist. I nod and walk over to the couch before flopping down careful not her hurt her as I land on top of her my hands holding me right above her face. I boop her nose softly and she squeals before pulling me down to cuddle.

"What movie do you wanna watch?" I ask as she struggles to reach the TV remote from under me. I pass her the remote and she smiles up at me.

"Um well, we could watch the Lorax.." She offers cheekily knowing full well we watched it last night. I groan and Hailee grabs my face tilting my head down and looking deeply into my eyes.

"C'mon Haizy we watched the Lorax last night." I complain and she shrugs playing with my hair.

"Pwease, I wanna wawtch the Lowax." She begs in her cute little baby voice that's she knows I can't resist. I throw my head back and she giggles pulling it back down.

"Fine, but tomorrow we're going to watch a different movie." I reply and she squeals with excitement turning over to the TV. When she finds the Lorax under 'watch it again?' she clicks play and smiles up at me.


"You're the best friend ever." She mumbles as we finish the movie and I smirk down at her.

"Damn right I am." I agree pulling her up onto lap. "I mean try finding someone else who'll watch the Lorax with you over and over again." I add causing Hailee to giggle. She shifts her gaze down to my lips before quickly snapping her head back up to my eyes. My hands slowly slip under her shirt and her breath hitches slightly. I know it's just a silly little bet between friends but I love the way her lips feel on mine.

"I'm still so much better." I tease before connecting our lips into a searing kiss and wrapping my arms around her waist. She smiles into the kiss and wraps her arms around my neck her lips softly moving against mine as she receives the kiss. I move my hands up and down her toned abdomen as I pull her lip out softly with my teeth before reconnecting our lips again. What starts out slow soon gets hungrier and more competitive.

I feel her pull back slightly and take several deep breaths before slamming her plump lips onto mine. I tilt my head to the side slightly and swipe my tongue across the bottom of her mouth and but to my surprise she doesn't grant me access. I let out a muffled sound of annoyance and she giggles into my mouth. Her mouth opens as she does so and I take the opportunity to slide my tongue in. She makes a surprised noise and I quickly take over the kiss making it clear I'm going to win this round.

I push her down onto her back and use her surprise to my advantage pulling up her right leg, connecting it to my waist. I run my hand up and down her thigh as I start explore her mouth with my tongue. She lets out a whine as I travel around every part of her mouth and I feel her squirm around underneath me trying to find a good place for her hands. As soon as I've found every place in her mouth I slowly pull back for air and she pants on my shoulder. I can tell we both didn't expect to go that far or for that long since we didn't get enough air to keep going any longer.

I look down at Hailee whose lips are a bright shade of red and slightly swollen as she continues to take deep breaths to slow her breathing down. I peck her lips softly once she's recovered her breath and she smiles again as I pepper soft kisses around from the side of her mouth to her bottom lip, finally reaching her top lip before pulling back. I pull her out from under me and place her onto my lap once again. She looks down at me and hums quietly licking her now chapped lips. I giggle as she straddles me and I reach up to her lips.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you." I whisper worriedly playing with her bottom lip. She shakes her head and smiles.

"It's okay you didn't love, your lips look the same too. Plus I um really enjoyed that part where you um. Y'know lifted up my leg." She admits slightly embarrassed. Hold up did I hear this girl right? Did Hailee Steinfeld just admit she enjoyed are little makeout sesh????

"Does this mean I'm better?" I tease jokingly. She stares back at me with a flustered expression on her face.



I guess we'll never know what Hailee said after that. Oh well... Bye!

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