Dreams (H.S) (*)

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I panicked when I realized I didn't post at all today so I went deep into my drafts and found.. This. I hope you enjoy it lol.

Warnings: Smut, Niall Horan and some pretend straightness from both girls.

Summary: Y/n has been having some not so pg-rated dreams about her best friend Hailee, even though she's dating someone.


"Oh my god!" I moan out as Hailee flicks her tongue across my clit, increasing her speed as I moan out her name repeatedly.

"Jesus Christ Y/n, you're so fucking sexy when you moan." Hailee rasps sending pleasurable vibrations deep into my core.

"Yes Hailee, right there!" I pant gripping the bedsheets so hard that my knuckles are white.

"That's right babygirl keep your hands to yourself." Hailee whispers into my center as I thrust my hips up into her face trying to gain even more of her touch. She quickly moves her hands from around my thighs to on my hips, firmly keeping them in place.

"Please Hailee.." I whimper, usually I would never ever beg for anything but with Hailee it's different.

"Shhh my love, I'm in control. Unless of course you want me to stop?" She teases and I shake my head briskly.

"No- nonono Hailee don't stop please I'm almost there!!" I whine and she chuckles adding more pressure onto my clit as I writhe underneath her. My core starts clenching and I practically squeal in excitement at the thought of the orgasm I'm so close to having.

"Cum for me princess." Hailee murmurs going as fast as she can which pushes me over the edg-

Beep beep.. Beep, I slam the off button on my alarm. God fucking damnit! Again?! I'm literally dating someone and I'm having dreams about Hailee, my STRAIGHT best friend.

"What's up babe?" Nolan asks slipping his arm under my waist and pulling me closer to him. "I mean what did that alarm clock ever do to you?" He teases as he brushes a couple hairs out of my face. I sigh softly relaxing into his touch. I can't help but feel guilty about the dream I just had. Not only has it happened multiple times but everytime I want it to be real, epecially this time.

"It existed, and woke me up." I groan stretching my back. Nolan chuckles and pecks my lips softly. I smile at him while my mind reels. I like Nolan, he's a sweet boyfriend who's always a softy even around his friends. Which is saying something since guys are never sweet and caring around their friends, but he is.

Of course then there's Hailee.. She literally the goddess of beauty that I've been crushing on forever and she's so funny to hang out with, she literally acts like a two year old sometimes. But she's most definitely straight due to the fact she's dating that nasty Irish cunt. Not that I'm prestigious against Irish I think they're great but not Niall. He's literally the most toxic, controlling piece of shit and yet Hailee loves him so I'll be here to pick up the piece when he breaks up with or cheats on her. Ugh.. Why does life have to be so difficult??

I get up and grab my towel to take a shower to collect my thoughts and wash the Hailee off of me. After I get out of the shower I walk over to my closet and pull on some clothes. Just a simple cream coloured crop top and light blue ripped jeans.

"You look beautiful babe." Nolan whispers from behind me and I giggle at him. "I'm serious Y/n, you look absolutely stunning!" He insists and I smile.

"Thanks babe." I reply pecking him on the cheek before walking towards the kitchen. I was going to make breakfast but Nolan has already cooked (Your favourite breakfast) for me. "Aww love you made me breakfast?" I ask and he nods sweetly.

"Yeah, I figured you'd wake up late and I didn't want you to miss anytime hanging out with Hailee." He explains casually. I grin at him before digging in. Once I finish breakfast I pull on my white high tops and head out to my car. I pull out my phone and text Hailee I'm on my way.

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