Stuck on Repeat - Epilogue (H.S)

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It had been close to three months past Y/n's talk- fight? - with Hailee and she was finally ready. She had spent the week after figuring out how to break up with Talia but eventually, it happened... Messily.

"We need to talk," Y/n told her- now ex-girlfriend. Talia had looked up at Y/n with confusion on her face. She scooted over to Y/n and smiled nervously at her.

"Yeah, what's up?" She replied, placing her hand on Y/n's thigh. The y/h/c shied away and Talia knew something was wrong. "Are you breaking up with me?" The words come out before Talia can stop them and when she sees Y/n's face, she knows.


"Oh my God, you are!" Talia jumps up and crosses her arms. "I can't believe you! Is this about Hailee?" Y/n's expression must have given it away as she stuttered, unable to find an answer.

"It's just-"

"Are you cheating on me?" To that, Y/n forcefully shook her head 'no'. Talia ran her hands through her long hair and stepped back. "What the fuck is this about? I thought you cared about me?" She yelled, crossing her arms. 

"I do, it's just I don't think that I have romantic feelings for you anymore. I'm still getting over Hailee and I think that I jumped into this relationship too soon, I'm really sorry for playing with your feelings-" Tears were welling up in Y/n's eyes and threatening to slip down her cheeks but Talia just scoffed.

"You seriously want me to believe that you're not fucking her? I know that you went and saw her!" Talia yelled, stepping towards the y/h/c.

"I'm not, I went to yell at her because I thought she was hooking up with Jess!" Y/n retorted, crossing her arms. "I'm not cheating on you, I'm just not into you anymore. Okay?" Talia's face fell and she stepped back.

"Fuck you, I hope you're happy."

The next couple of months had been chaotic, to say the least, Y/n was too nervous to tell Hailee that she and Talia had broken up but at the same time, she knew Hailee was keeping her distance because she was under the assumption that the two were still dating. Jess had been sworn to secrecy but Hailee never asked her, she knew it wasn't her place. She couldn't help but hope that they had, especially after their conversation. 

Hailee was hopelessly in love with her ex-girlfriend. She had been bettering herself, of course, working on finding healthier habits to replace her addiction, and slowly things had gotten much better. She didn't feel the urges she used to, and when she did she messaged Griffin and asked to hang out. She loved her older brother, even if he was kind of an asshole sometimes, but that seemed to be normal for siblings.

They had talked briefly about what Hailee was going through and although he promised not to tell their parents, he urged her to talk with them a little bit. They didn't need to know much, or anything if she wasn't comfortable. She did talk with them and they were understanding, asking if she needed any help.

Hailee had to admit, she was doing pretty well, the support she had from her friends and family kept her strong when she felt weak, and now the only person she was missing was Y/n.

Hailee POV:

"How do you think these would look on me?" I look up and see Jess wearing a white crop top. I gesture for her to spin around and look at the top.

"Beautiful," I compliment once she turns to look at me. She smiles and does a half-curtsy.

"Really, you think it looks good?" She asks, looking down at the top.

"Yeah, definitely," I confirm, picking up her phone and sending Y/n a picture.

Jess: Do you like this top?

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