Stuck On Repeat (H.S)

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Summary: We fight we break up, we kiss we make up.

Warnings: Serious talk of drug/substance use. If you ever feel like you have an addiction please seek help from a trusted adult, and stay safe out there.


Hey wassup, sorry for making y'all shit your pants. If you still think I'm deleting everything, you should go back and reread to the bottom also I posted the first chapter of my new oneshots book a couple days ago so if you want you can go show that some love.


"C'mon Y/n, don't you wanna do something to piss her off?" Jess asks me as we walk through the hallway. I glance back at Hailee who has her tongue down some random girl's throat.

"And make more drama? No, not really. Plus it wouldn't be fair to play with some feelings just to get back at Hailee and I don't want to kiss some douchbag, I'm off kissing people for a while." I reply, shaking my head and clutching my textbook tightly. I smile at a few people in the halls and I feel my best friend rolling her eyes.

"You're too nice Y/n/n, Hailee is a dick. Someone needs to put her in her place." She complains as we enter our Socials classroom and take a seat somewhere in the middle.

"Yeah, well that someone isn't going to be me, Jessica," I tell her firmly before directing my attention at the board which has the homework pages from yesterday scribbled on the board except this time there's a note under that says: Due Today.

"Shit, did you do the homework?" Jess asks me worriedly as she sees the whiteboard. I nod my head slowly.

"Yeah, of course, did you not? You're going to fail this class if you don't do any of the homework we have an exam in like a week!" Jess shrugs and looks around for the teacher before lowering her voice.

"I don't even need this class to graduate, I'm only in this stupid thing because of you and your interest in world events." I roll my eyes and go to respond when all of a sudden the teacher walks in starting the lesson with a bored voice.

"Everyone please take out your answers for pages 256-257, as per the board we'll be correcting them today after I check to see if you've done them." I feel Jess's gaze boring into my soul and I turn to look at her. She already has a pout on her face and she holds her hands together shaking them pleadingly. I nod my head discretely and pass her my work.

"Change it a bit," I whisper to her when he turns around and she nods copying down my work onto a blank sheet of paper. Slowly and methodically Mr. Reed makes his way through the desks, checking everyone's pages and letting out grunts when people turned up empty-handed.

"Remember class, homework checks are worth 15% of your grade, keep that in mind when you decide to go to a party over the weekend instead of studying." He calls out as Jess hurriedly copies down answers. He gets closer and closer as I stare at Jessica with a worried expression on my face. I can see her writing is closer to the bottom of the page which hopefully means she's close to being done. When I look away I notice Mr. Reed staring at me expectantly. "Ms. L/n may I please check your work?" He asks, gesturing to my empty desk.

"Yes, of course, sir let me grab it from my bag." I bend down and open my bag when all of a sudden the door bangs open.

Thank God. Whoever is late, I love you.

Hailee Steinfeld Oneshots (GxG)Where stories live. Discover now