No Vacancy Pt. 2 (H.S)

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Hailee POV:

Alright, universe.

What the absolute fuck was that?!

I just got played so hard. I let myself believe that Y/n could actually like a girl like me. I seriously thought she could've been into me. I mean she placed her God damn hand on my thigh!! Then suddenly she called that Jenna girl babe. I would now like to curl up in a ball and die.

"Y/n, are you coming to the party on Saturday?" Someone a couple seats in front of us yells. Y/n glances up from her lap and looks around for where the voice came from. "Over here dumbass, it's Meghan." The voice adds. Y/n chuckles softly and looks over at the girl two rows down and shrugs.

"I might be able to come but I doubt it. Mrs. Phillips is having a big test on Monday and I'll need to practice all weekend so I don't fail, which I can't really do if I'm extremely hungover." Y/n replies in that charismatic tone that could tell me my entire family had just died and still give me butterflies. The girl nods her head and turns back to whoever she's sitting with.

"Hey Y/n who's the cute chick next to you?" Someone else asks and I freeze. Y/n's jaw clenches and she raises an eyebrow at the boy.

"Sorry, sorry just asking." He adds raising his hands up innocently.

"Mind your own business Johnson." Is all she says before turning back to me and smiling. "Sorry about that, horny teenage boys are the worst." She adds softly. Okay- wait why was that so hot?! No, Hailee she has a girlfriend. Wait that means she gay. Holy shit! Dude did you just figure that out..

"It's okay.." I reply awkwardly. Oh my God Hailee what was that???

"I'll beat him up if you want." She offers jokingly mimicking a right hook. That was so cute. Good lord I'm too far gone.

"I think you definitely should. I mean how could even let that stand?" I tease back. Wow I managed to get out a decent sentence way to go.

"Of course pretty girl. Anything for you." She murmurs kissing my hand and smirking. Holy shit fuckers her lips were just on my hand. Oh my lord I'm never washing that hand ever again. I feel my face light up and I giggle. "How should I dispose of him darling?" She adds her eyes looking into mine with a mix of mock seriousness and playfulness. These pet names are seriously going to be the death of me.

"It's completely up to you my brave protector." I reply without even stuttering which might I add is definitely an improvement. Her brows furrow in concentration before her entire face lights and she moves closer.

"I think I should just beat him up. Let all the boys know they should never mess with Y/n or her girl." I'm melting. I think I'm going to die. Y/n just called me HER GIRL!!!!!!!! I barely nod in response as I short circuit. "Haiz are you okay?" She adds confused. Oh my lord she did it again holy shit. That gorgeous hand of her is killing me slowly. It moves around softly on my thigh and squeezes me gently.

"Hmm yeah I just um spaced out for a sec." I reply smiling up at her.

"Okay, I was worried I was going to have get your attention via tickling." She teases.

"You wouldn't dare." I reply boldly placing my hand on hers. She shrugs mischievously before her other hand slips under my shirt and grazes my abdomen beginning to tickle me. I squirm around and kick my legs out while her other hand holds down one my hands. "Ahhh Y/n L/n stop right now!!" I squeal through laughter.

"Never." She states firmly continuing to move her hand around my waist trying to find the my most ticklish spot.

"Y/n I swear to God if you don't stop I'll literally never speak to you again." I threaten playfully but it gets her to stop.

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