Dirty Secret: Part Two (H.S)

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Summary: It's finally time for Hailee and Y/n to make their decision on whether they're going to attend the Ivy League meeting, but there's always more drama.


The football is American football, not European football/soccer.

Also, 100 votes, and I'll release a THIRD part!

Y/n POV:

"And then, I told him that he should just go fuck himself!" Luc exclaims, shaking my shoulder excitedly. I nod my head numbly and stare at Hailee who has her back to me. She is chatting with a couple of her friends, but they are surrounded by a bunch of boys from the football team.

I miss hanging out with her, but, I also don't want to see her at all. Every time that I think about her, it makes my heart hurt. I really liked her, and she cheated on me.

"What?" I ask, turning to face Luc who stares at me, unimpressed.

"Have you been listening to a single thing I said for the past ten minutes?" He asks, crossing his arms. "Or have you been too busy eye-fucking one of the popular girls?" I scoff at his accusation and glance over at the table.

"Do you really think that I am interested in one of the popular girls? Most of them are superficial bitches." I retort, turning back to face him. He just shrugs his shoulder.

"I don't know, but you've been acting weird for the past week and I feel like you're super distracted all of a sudden," He explains, picking up his phone. 

"It's just because I have to talk to Mr. Slader today." I lie, looking over at his Instagram feed. "I have to tell him whether or not I'm going on that Ivy League meeting trip," I explain, taking a bite of my sandwich. He puts his phone down and smiles.

"Right! I forgot about that," He shakes my shoulders gently. "I'm best friends with a fucking genius!" I roll my eyes and take another bite of my sandwich.

"I'm not a genius," I protest, taking a sip of my iced coffee. "I have just done well in school," He scoffs.

"Yeah, right. Agree to disagree I guess." He slips his phone into his pocket. "Anyways, that's not the important part. Have you decided whether you're actually going to go?" He asks curiously. I shrug my shoulders.

"To be honest, that's why I'm so nervous. I don't know if I am or not."

"It sounds like it's a great opportunity to get into any Ivy League that you want, why wouldn't you go?" He asks. I pause, not knowing what to say.

Hailee made me promise that I wouldn't tell anyone anything about us when we were dating because she wasn't ready to come out yet, so Luc has no idea that we were even together. So, it's hard to explain why I wouldn't want to go on a trip with her without telling him about our relationship.

"It's just a lot of work for one weekend," I lie, quickly looking down and drinking more of my coffee. When I look up, Luc has his eyebrow raised at me.

"You are worried about being busy over the weekend? Girl, you drown yourself in homework sometimes, how is this any different?" He asks. Not knowing the answer, I shrug. "Exactly, so go to this damn meeting and get your fucking scholarship!" He raises his voice and a couple of people look over at us.

"Okay," I look over at Hailee who is still off in her own world.

"Okay as in you'll go?" I nod my head.

"Yeah, I'll go to the meeting," I confirm, finishing the last bite of my sandwich. I wash it down with the rest of my drink and Luc has a satisfied smirk on his face.

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