I Want You Back (H.S) (*)

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Summary: Hailee wants Y/n back...


Thanks for the request! This took a little longer than expected because I was being distracted by a pretty French girl...


Y/n POV: 

I sigh softly as the credits to Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets plays and hum along to the soundtrack softly tapping my fingers in time with the music. I start to debate whether or not to start Prisoner of Azkaban and go to take a sip of my wine pensively, to find it empty.

"Fuck." I mumble annoyedly not enjoying the fact that I will now have to get off of the couch to refill my glass. But wine is life so I haul myself up and walk over to the island. I pull out the bottle and unscrew the cap placing it gently beside my glass so it won't roll off. I start to slowly pour the red liquid til I reach around the halfway mark of my glass and then stop. Satisfied with my job I screw the lid back onto the wine bottle and take a sip of my now full glass. "Damn, that's good. This is why I don't buy cheap wine." I mutter to myself walking back towards my couch. As I reach around the halfway point someone knocks on my door. Deeming that it would be weird to answer the door with a glass of wine in hand I sadly place the glass back down onto the island counter and walk over to the door.

Wait, who's knocking on my door at... I check the time, 11:24 PM. I freeze and my brain starts to take over with nervous thoughts.

It's probably a robber trying to rob you, wait but why wouldn't they just pick the lock- or it's a psychopath, wait what if there's a psychopath in L. A that I didn't know about?! I usually am up to date with who is killing people here- if it's a psycho they'll just break down the door and you can't afford a new one so you should open it for them and let them kill you. Okay then I guess..

I walk over and swing the door wide open.

"Before you kill me, or rob me I'm broke. So have nothing to give to you if you do decide to go down that path." I finally take in the sights in front of me and frown. "Hailee?" I ask as she stares back incredulously at me. "Wait, what're you doing here?" Her eyes fall to the ground for a few seconds before she lifts her head again and smiles sadly at me.

"I was umm.. hoping we could talk." She admits after a few seconds of silence. This bitch wants to talk now?

"No," I reply firmly and her face falls. Fuck, why do I still care about her and that stupid puppy dog face of hers? "What about?" I ask and her face lights up slightly with a glimmer of hope.

"Us. Please." I sigh and she looks inside. "C-can I come in?" She asks nervously.

"Fine, you have ten minutes and then we're done and you can go back to your perfect little celebrity life." I mutter, anger creeping into my voice. She nods her head and I lead her in closing the door behind us and walking over to the kitchen. "Alexa, turn off the TV." I call and Hailee looks around startled trying to spot 'Alexa'.

"Turning off the TV." A robotic voice replies. I nod my head happily and turn back to Hailee hopping up onto one of the chairs next to my kitchen counters and gesturing for her to do the same. She also gets up and I take a sip of my wine.

"Would you like a glass?" I offer. She shakes her head and I raise an eyebrow. "C'mon Haiz, I know how much you enjoy a Pinot Noir."

"I do.. Okay, just a little bit though." She replies after a few seconds I nod my head and hop up to grab her a glass.

Hailee POV:

I'm surprised she even let me into her house after everything, I know that I would be quite cautious to let her in if she had done what I did. Y/n returns with a glass and pours me a glass. She seals it back up after a few seconds and then passes it to me. I take a small sip and let a small smile creep onto my face as I let the flavour cover my tongue.

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