Pushed To The Limit (H.S)

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Summary: One night Hailee fights with Y/n and things are said that can't be taken back so easily.

TW: Eating disorder

Y/n POV:

Hailees's leaving tomorrow, she's flying out to New York to film season two of Hawkeye and as much as I'm excited for her and the new season I know I'm going to miss her like crazy. She's going to be gone for at least two months which is too long so we've already planned that I'm going to come out for a weekend if I can get the time off. I've been busy with work lately, as a defense lawyer it feels like the only time off I get is with Hailee because she pries me away from my job so I can take a break. I have a really bad habit of running myself into the ground and then being exhausted. Hailee has been really sweet with helping me not do that but I'm scared the second she leaves I'll just throw myself into my work.

"Y/n honey, I'm back!" Hailee calls out closing the door behind her. I hop up from my desk and happily leave my dreadful office behind greeting my girlfriend with a happy yet overworked smile.

"I missed you," I whisper placing a quick peck on her lips and hugging her.

Hailee POV:

I can tell Y/n's tired from the way she's hugging me, her body on mine is wonderful don't get me wrong but it feels like she trying not to collapse in my arms as we touch.

"What'd you have for lunch baby?" I ask, tentatively glancing at our spotless kitchen. It's a bad habit she has, she overworks herself and forgets to do important things eat food, drink water, and sleep. Her body tenses for a second and she sighs. "C'mon baby, you need to eat some food it's not healthy to starve yourself," I whisper picking her up. She's lighter. A lot lighter than usual. I love Y/n with all my heart and I can't bare to see her do this any longer. "Quit, please," I beg as I place her down on the kitchen counter. This job is literally killing her.

"We've talked about his Haiz, this is my dream job. I know it's hard right now but it will get better once I'm through this case." She replies softly. My heart aches every time I hear that soft voice of hers, it's her 'let's not fight' voice. I've let so much slide because of it, but tonight I don't know if I can.

"You can't work if you're dead." I point out, a bit of frustration accidentally slipping into my voice. I'm not trying to start a fight since I know Y/n hates them, but I don't think I can do this anymore. I can't watch her slowly kill herself over some stupid job.

"It was just one meal Hailee, don't pretend like you don't skip meals when you're working." She retorts haughtily, now crossing her arms and frowning. I've tried to tread lightly around her but now it feels like everything is going to explode.

"That's different." I protest, also crossing my arms, now a little bit angry because of her jab.

"How is that different?" She asks with a confused look on her face.

"Because I'm not the one with the past eating disorder!" I yell out, at the same time that she says,

"I'm sorry for skipping out on my meals baby I'll try and set an alar-" She stops short and stares at me incredulously like she can't believe what I just said. I can't believe what I just said. "That was low Hailee. Even for you." Then she walks off in the direction of her office, locking the door behind her.

"Fuck." I whisper. "Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck." I run over to the door and knock on it frantically. "Y/n, baby, please let me in. I'm sorry for saying that, it was an bitchy thing to do, please." I beg, my hands tug on the door handle and I continue to try and open it to no avail.

"Hailee, I have to work and you need to pack, I'll talk to you when you get back from your trip." Her voice replies in a calm final tone but I can hear the hurt it holds inside.

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