Hate To Love You Pt.2 (H.S)

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"Y/n! Y/n please come back!" I call as she walks away, arms crossed, not even daring to turn back and look at me.

Well fuck..

This is going great.


"Hey, loser!" A mocking voice calls to the brunette who pulls out a science textbook from her locker. She groans internally and closes her locker carefully turning around with a nervous expression.

"Yes?" She replies curtly, her hands clasping the book tightly as she tries to subtly glance around for an escape route. A group of boys are blocking the exit to the right; even worse, her attacker's friends are to the left.

She's trapped.

"I heard you talking to Ms. Laufield after math class this morning, you better not be snitching on Jamie and me." He growls stepping closer with an unnervingly mischievous look on his face.

"No, I wasn't I promise!" Hailee replies quickly, her back hitting her locker as she steps back again. "We were talking about a project." She explains nervously looking around once again.

"There are no projects right now, it's the last week before winter break. She told us there will be no new projects and we already finished our other ones." She shakes her head and opens her mouth to explain but gets cut off once again.

"It's an extra credit project-"

"Shut up, bitch." He pulls her close before slamming her back into the wall of lockers. "Let me ask again, what did you tell Ms. Laufield?" He asks angrily. A few people turn to look at the pair and a couple of boys laugh, getting their friend's attention and pointing at Hailee.

"Nothing, she doesn't know anything I promise!" Hailee protests as people gather around.

"Teach her a lesson, Bryan!" A voice calls out. The crowd laughs and Bryan smiles down at Hailee.

"Hey! What's going on here?!" A loud authoritative voice yells out causing the crowd to scatter. "Everyone disperse right now and get to your classes!" He calls again. The hands let go of Hailee and she glances around before booking it to the nearest bathroom. When the doors close she breathes out a sigh of relief, but when she looks up she gulps.

The popular girls.

They whisper furiously to each other before one girl notices Hailee who's in the process of backing away.

"Bring her over here." Brianna, the queen bee of the group tells her friends. They all stop and rush over to her. "Look at her girls." They all look at Hailee in the mirror and Brianna nods. "Y'know, take away the cuts and you're pretty hot." She tells Hailee.


"Yeah, purple's not your color." One of the other girls chimes in.

"I assume you got this from Bryan?" Brianna asks carelessly gesturing to the bruise. Hailee nods. "Well that's fine, we can help you."

"Help me?"

"Of course, don't you want to be popular? You can have the whole school at your feet with my help." Hailee frowns. "Don't you want Bryan to stop bothering you?"

"Well yes but-"

"Great then let us help you."


"Perfect, let's begin."


Y/n POV:


So stupid. I mean I just was trauma dumping to Hailee Steinfeld of all people.

God, kill me now.

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