So That's It? Pt. 3 (H.S) (*)

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Hailee POV:

When I wake up she's not beside me. Is this how she feels every morning? I slowly get up hoping that if I prolong my movements I can still savor the feeling of hope that I have. I place my ear to the door and listen for any sounds of movement. It's dead silent. I open it as quietly as possible and glance around for her. A soft whimper echoes through the room and I hear the sharp clattering of glass. I peek into the living room and stare at Y/n. Her head is in her hands with a bottle beside her. Muffled sobs rack her body as she takes another sip from a bottle.

My poor baby.

She pulls out her phone and checks the time before taking a deep breath and wiping the tears off her face. Every part of my body yearns to pull her into my arms and kiss away all her worries but I don't know if she wants me to. She gets up and walks towards the bathroom leaving the living room empty again.

I'm going to lose her.

"Mommy? You.. you missed my birthday.." I whip around and stare into the puppy dog eyes of my son. I swear he gets those from his mother.
"I know buddy, and I'm so sorry," I whisper pulling him into my arms. He cries softly in my arms and I rub his back.

"Is it because of momma, do you not love her anymore?" His quiet voice asks. I pull back and he stares up at me expectantly. I shake my head briskly.

"Of course not! I love momma so much, she's an amazing mom to you. Always remember that you'll be a good boy for your momma right?" He nods his head and I turn around to see Y/n staring at us.

"What're you two doing up so early?" She asks playfully her happy tone more directed at Alex than me. Alex squeals and runs directly into her arms.

"Momma! I was just so excited to play with Tigger, I couldn't wait any longer." He explains as Y/n holds him up in the air pretending to fly him down to where the orange cat is. I smile at Alex and watch as he cuddles up to the orange cat, wrapping his arms around his mane and kissing his nose. I walk into the kitchen and Y/n follows me.

"When are you leaving?" I ask my voice cracking at the prospect. Her expression softens and she wraps her arms around me.

"I'm sorry.." She mumbles into my shoulder.

"You have absolutely nothing to be sorry for baby, I'm the one who messed everything up and I feel terrible," I whisper back leaning into her touch.

"We're leaving this afternoon." She murmurs letting go of me. I check the time, 6:27 am. I only have around six hours to fix this and I don't know if I can.

"Momma, why haven't you kissed mommy yet this morning?" We both turn to look at Alex who's carrying Tigger and eyeing us suspiciously. Y/n pecks my cheek and smiles at Alex who shakes his head, unsatisfied. "No, like you always do. On the lips." He grumbles. She pecks my lips and I fight the urge to pull her back, this might be the last time I ever kiss her and it's all my fault. "NO. You have to say I love you after or else how will mommy know?" Her eyes meet mine and she grabs my waist pulling me right next to her. Our lips meet softly and I relish in the calming smell of her morning scent, which is what I call whatever heavenly smell she has in the morning before she puts on perfume. It's like this mix of lemon and some other sweet smell. She pulls away a few seconds later and glances down at Alex.

"I love you, Hails." She whispers her eyes glossing over slightly. I smile up at her and wrap my arms around her.

"I love you too baby, forever." Her hand rests on the back of my neck and slowly guides my head down into the crook of her neck where she peppers soft kisses all over my face before letting me go. Alex claps his hands happily dropping the cat and runs up to my legs.

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