The Things We Do (H.S) (*)

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No one knows about the things Hailee and Y/n do..

Hailee POV:

I check my watch and smile. 10:59pm. She'll be here soon.

"You called?" A raspy voice whispers in my ear sending shivers down my spine. I spin around to look at her and smirk.

"I missed you.." She scoffs and runs her fingers up my shoulder. "And your wonderful body."

"That's the Hailee I know." I blush and move her thumb that trails across my cheek into my mouth.

"Will you take care of me?" I ask with a pleading pout.

"Where are your manners sweetheart?" She replies as I suck on her thumb softly.
"Please Y/n take care of me, I need you." I beg batting my eyelashes and jutting out my lip even further.

"Of course my darling, why else would I be here if I didn't?" I don't respond to the rhetorical question but my mind creates a response of it's own.

Because I love you.

Her thumbs leaves my mouth and pulls down my lip.

"Please.." I need her body. I desperately want to feel her lips on mine.
"Please what?" She asks cockily wanting to tease me further.

"Touch me." I whisper feebly looking deeply into her y/e/c orbs.

"I am touching you baby. Isn't that what you wanted? For me to touch you?" I whine softly and reach for her lips with mine but she raises an eyebrow. "I don't reward you when you're impatient. You know that." I nod and stare at the floor.

She tilts my chin up and softly connects our lips. I melt into her touch loving the familiar taste of her cinnamon flavored lips. It's the perfect mix of cinnamon and chai. Her one hand cups my cheek while the other wraps itself around my waist pulling me closer.

The first time it happened I felt guilty but now I get so focused on the way my body craves her it completely blocks any of the guilt I would have if I cared about my boyfriend.

"Can I have more?" I ask softly as she pulls away stroking my hair. She nods and taps the back of my thigh signaling for me to jump. I hop into her arms and gaze up her mesmerizing eyes. Her lips meet mine harsher this time the desire evident in both of us as I moan softly. Her tongue swipes my bottom lip and I open my mouth for her. She smiles as she explores my mouth and I whine at how gently she moves around. She moves towards the bed and gently places me down on it.

Her lips leave mine and I feel the pit of emptiness settle in my stomach again. She crawls onto the bed and straddles me.

"What do you want me to do pretty girl?" She asks taking my hand and kissing it softly.
"I want you to make me feel good." I moan as her legs push mine together slightly, pressing them against my center.

"How you want me to make you feel good?" She asks teasingly. I whine feebly and try to control my breathing.

"Your fingers and your mouth, pl-PLEASE." Her hands reach for my shirt and she pulls it off easily, tossing it across the room carelessly. Her shirt joins it before she slips her arm under my waist and she pulls up my leg, attaching it to her thigh. Our lips crash together hard and she shoves her tongue into my mouth as I moan. Her hand runs up and down my thighs as my center pulses uncontrollably begging for attention. "Y/n please, I need you so bad." I whine against her lips.

She nods and drops my leg reaching for my jeans. Making quick work of the buttons she lifts up my hips and slips off my pants.

I reach out for her buttons but lips are making me see stars so I can't find them. She guides my hand to her pants and helps me unbuckle them before taking them off herself. I shiver softly and she picks me moving us under the covers. My bra slides off my shoulders and I discard it looking up at Y/n. Her eyes trail up and down my body before she disconnects our lips and reattachs hers to my neck.

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