Haircut: Part Two (H.S) (*)

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Summary: Y/n tests Hailee's new haircut...


You deliver, I deliver. Here you go horndogs ;) 

Don't forget to vote, if this gets 100 votes, I'll release the next part to Dirty Secret tomorrow!

Hailee POV:

"Baby," I whisper as the credits to what feels like the hundredth episode plays. Y/n's head is resting on my chest and she doesn't even have her eyes open anymore. 

"Hm?" She replies, lifting her head slightly at the sound of my voice. I lift my hand up from the couch and cup her cheek.

"My love, are you feeling sleepy?" I ask, gently running my thumb over her jaw. She smiles a little and leans into my touch. 

"No..." She yawns, snuggling up closer to me. "I'm not sleepy, I don't want to sleep. I want to stay up with you," She mumbles, tucking her head into the crook of my neck. I run my hand through her hair and tuck the strands that fall out back behind her ear.

"Aww, sweetheart, if you're tired. You should take a nap." I coo as her eyes flutter open. She tries to look up at me, but they close again and she slumps back down. "We can talk later tonight, after dinner," I add, but she shakes her head and sits up, moving into my lap.

"I just..." She pauses, looking down at me. "I don't know," She blinks a few times and runs a hand through her hair.

"You can say it, baby," I tell her, my hands instinctively falling to her hips. "What do you need?"

"I want to finish watching my show," She tells me, moving back to focus on the TV. I roll my eyes and my hands wander around her body. Her hips start to move on my lap and she lets out a quiet sigh. 

"No, baby," My voice attracts her attention once again. I grab her hips. "Do you need something?" She smiles at me, seeming less sleepy now and shakes her head.

"No? Why would I need something from you?" Her innocent voice fills the air and I stare at her in disbelief.

"Such a fucking tease," I mutter, hearing a small giggle leave her lips. She continues her movements and I stare at the TV with my jaw clenched. 

Y/n laughs at the show and turns back to look at me every once and a while, but her hips never stop slowly grinding on my lap. With every movement, my face flushes and my breathing grows heavier.

She knows that if she keeps teasing me she won't have to wait until later for me to fuck her. Unfortunately, she's right. Well, actually, fortunately.

"Hey, baby, I'm really hungry," I tell her, pausing the show. "Do you want to make some food?" I ask, moving her off my lap and standing up. Y/n seems surprised at my sudden movement but she stands up as well and follows me into the kitchen. 

"Uh, yeah, sure." She replies as I grab a cutting board. "What do you want to make?" She asks.

"Um, I'm not 100% sure," I admit, turning towards her. "You know I'm not exactly the best cook, babe." Y/n laughs and nods her head, grabbing my hands.

"Yes, darling, everyone has seen the potato peels in water incident," She jokes, kissing them. I blush and look away.

"I got confused! She wasn't specific-"

"Baby," I stop talking and look at Y/n. "It's okay, I'm joking. Come here, we'll make something that I think you'll like."

"What is it?" I ask curiously.

"You'll see," She replies nonchalantly, moving towards the fridge. "Can you grab a knife and a bread knife for us?" She asks, opening the fridge and opening the cheese drawer. She pulls out some type of cheese that I've never seen before and turns towards me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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