Never Have I Ever (H.S) -Requested-

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Summary: Y/n and Hailee have secretly been dating for almost a year but what happens when an interview with Jimmy exposes them?

Thank you so much leennaan for this wonderful request! <3

Y/n POV:

My eyes flutter open and a soft groan leaves my lips as I reach out frantically to turn off my alarm.

"Fuck. Shit. Damnit." I mumble as my phone hits the floor still blaring the Mario theme song. I lean over the side of the bed and try and reach for my phone but end up falling headfirst out onto the ground.

"Baby?" Hailee's drowsy voice calls to me as I lie sprawled on the floor. I get up and roll back into bed hoping Hailee will just fall back asleep but instead I find her staring at me worriedly her head being held up by one hand.

"I'm sorry my love, I didn't mean to wake you up," I whisper, apologetically placing a kiss on her lips. I go to pull back but her other hand snakes its way around my neck keeping my lips on hers as she sighs softly into my mouth. "You can go back to bed if you'd like," I murmur once her hand slides off my neck and she blinks slowly to adjust to her surroundings.

"No, it's okay. My alarm is set to go off pretty soon anyways so this just means I can get ready faster, which also means I get to spend more time with you before we leave so the sleep deprivation is worth it." She replies finally pulling herself up into a sitting position.

"Well, that's very sweet of you Haizy," I tell her pulling her closer to me so we can cuddle. She hums in acknowledgment and nuzzles her head into the crook of my neck as I wrap my arms around her. One of my hands slides into her soft hair and I run my hands through it soothingly scratching her head from time to time while placing soft kisses on her forehead. Every once in a while she finds my movements ticklish and giggles to herself before settling back down again. "Alright, it's been about twenty minutes my love and as much as I want to keep you in my arms forever we have to go get ready for our interview," I whisper slowing my movements until they come to a halt.

"Screw the interviews, I just want to stay in bed with you." She whines lifting her head up with a pout on her face. "Do you think they'll believe us if we both call in sick?" She asks sleepily, reaching out her hand to grab mine and placing it back into her hair. I chuckle and shake my head at her giving her one more scratch before wrapping my arms more securely around her and standing up. She squeals and clambers around on me trying to find the most comfortable position as I walk out into the kitchen.

"Would you like some tea Hails?" I ask already reaching for the kettle for myself. She nods and I place her down on the counter so I can have both hands free to fill it up with water. Once I reach the highest line I place it down onto its heating system and press the start button. It begins to make its regular heating noise and I turn away from it grabbing our teapot. "What kind of tea would you like?" I ask opening the cupboard and gesturing to our assortment of teas. She laughs knowing that we'll never use half of them and points toward a box.

"I'd like to have Earl Grey if that's okay with you." She decides after a few seconds and I nod my head grabbing the box.

"Perfect choice, I was hoping you'd say that," I reply taking out a tea bag and placing it in the pot. I set the box back into the cupboard and close it before turning around to face Hailee again. I move in between her legs that dangle off the counter and stare up at her for a few seconds. "Do you already have your outfit picked out?" I ask and she nods.

"It's a surprise though so you'll have to wait until I put it on." She explains booping my nose when I pout. "I promise you'll like it." She adds when I don't stop. I finally let a smile creep onto my face and I peck her lips before running into the bathroom to take a shower.

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