The Best Christmas Present Ever (H.S)

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Summary: Y/n and Hailee get each other the best present ever...

Y/n POV:

Hailee smiles up at me while I hold her close, the breeze from the beach sending a shiver down my spine.

"Baby, baby, baby!" A voice calls out shaking me from my dream. "Baby wake up, it's CHRISTMAS!!" I feel kisses being placed all around my face as she straddles me and I reluctantly open my eyes, glancing up at her sleepily.

"Morning my love," I croak out, placing a kiss on her forehead. "Merry Christmas," I add cheerfully, pulling her head onto my chest.

"Merry Christmas to you too," Hailee whispers as I run my hands through her hair. Our lips meet and I let out a soft sigh of happiness savoring the way her lips feel against mine as we move together. The kiss starts to get heated and Hailee lets out a whine allowing my tongue to slip into her mouth.

"Fuck, I love you," I mumble, letting her climb further on top of me, reaching for the buttons on my shirt. Suddenly the door swings wide open

"MERRY CHRISTM-" Griffin stops shocked before closing his eyes and turning around to run out, hitting the wall right beside the door instead. "Ew, oh my God disgusting! Get a room!" He yells before finally making his way out, slamming the door.

"We have one, you just barged in!" Hailee yells back annoyed. I giggle and sit up, causing Hailee to slide onto my lap with a squeak. "Nonono, lie back down, I was enjoying that." She pouts when she turns to look at me. I shake my head at her and boop her nose lightly.

"I'm not having sex with you in your childhood home."

"It doesn't have to be sex, it could just be kissing." Hailee protests, crossing her arms and pouting. I raise an eyebrow at her.

"I would allow that but you, missy, have hands that like to wander." I remind her playfully, pulling her closer. She gives me her cutest puppy eyes and I peck her cheek.

"I promise I'll be good,"

"We both know you'll break that promise horn dog." I reply, stretching, "Let's go downstairs, babe." I decide, attempting to get up but being pulled right back down.

"Nonono, let me take care of you," Hailee whispers seductively, climbing on top of me and pulling off my shirt.

"Hailee.." I warn her lowly as she places kisses down my collarbone.

"C'mon my love, let me give you the best Christmas present ever." She rasps, leaving hickeys on my chest.

"No, your family is probably waiting for us," I explain, lightly pushing her off. I get up and lend a hand to Hailee who hops up seeming disappointed.

"You're no fun. You're going to be such a drag when we're parents." She complains jokingly, leaning her head onto my shoulder. I chuckle and place a kiss on her forehead before we make our way downstairs.


"Are you sure she's going to like this one?" I ask nervously, as Cheri and I stare down at the small, velvet box.

"I'm one hundred percent sure, I basically took her ring shopping and she kept on coming back to this one. She wants this one, a mother always knows." Cheri replies smiling down at the ring.

"Okay.." I mumble, still feeling slightly uncertain.

"Something tells me it's not the ring that's worrying you." Cheri announces catching me off guard.

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