Moved On (H.S)

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Summary: Y/n and Hailee used to be the hottest couple in Hollywood but now...

"Haiz, baby, I'm home!" Y/n called excitedly to her girlfriend. Hailee jumped into Y/n's open arms and they collapsed onto the couch greeting each other with a passionate kiss. "Mm, I missed you too." They snuggled up to each other without a care in the world and spent their night simply enjoying the other's company.

**Flash Forward**

"Why can't you just listen to me!? All I'm trying to do is keep this relationship afloat! Do you even care about us anymore?" Hailee yelled throwing her hands up in the air exasperatedly. The y/h/c scoffed and stared at her girlfriend in disbelief.

"Do I even care? Hailee, I love you! I'll always love you, why can't you see that? I want us to last. Sure we're not perfect but we can't make it through this rough patch." Y/n replied her voice breaking slightly as she felt a tear slide down her face. The brunette instantly was by her side pulling the girl into her arms and stroking her hair soothingly whispering sweet nothings to her as Y/n cried in her arms.

The two girls always thought they would make it through, they always believed that no matter what their love for each other would help them overcome every obstacle in their way, but after a while, it seemed as though they were wrong.

Y/n POV:

"Y/n.. Y/n/n.. You have to get up baby, Jason needs us both at the studio today in two hours. Remember?" I groan and roll over to face my girlfriend, my hair falling in my face causing my vision to be blocked by y/h/c locks. "Good morning love." I smile at her and pull her body towards mine placing a soft kiss on top of her forehead.

"Good morning Sophs." I rasp back still savoring the blissful sensation of sleep that was sadly taken away from me this morning. I roll away and lift my arms stretching them out as far as I can and letting out a loud yawn. I peel the warm cacoon of covers off of my body and shiver slightly as I hop out of bed so I can grab my towel. "I'm going to take a shower, would you like to join me?" I walk into the bathroom before I can hear a response but the soft pitter-patter of footsteps tells me the answer is yes.


Hailee POV:

Our new movie. I'm really excited for everyone to see it but more so I'm excited to see Y/n again, we haven't spoken in a while and I miss her.

A lot.

I saw her email in the scheduling list so I know she's planning on attending the premiere tomorrow night, I mean it would be pretty crazy if she didn't because she's one of the main characters. I always wonder what she's up to, the paparazzi can never seem to find her and all of my friends haven't kept in touch with her. Not that I told them not to, our break up wasn't too messy but it still hurt since we both knew there was a lot of love still in our relationship, just not enough to keep us going. I would be lying if I said I didn't want her back, desperately, but I don't know if she still feels the same way about me. She was sweet all throughout filming, but then again Y/n is literally the purest human being on this earth and is sweet to everyone but I like to think she was extra sweet to me..

"Earth to Hailee, are you still there space cadet?" Griffin teases with a playful smirk on his face. I nod my head and place down the piece of toast I've been holding up for several minutes. "Poor toast, he just wants to be eaten.." Griffin jokes shoveling another spoonful of cereal into his mouth. "Can't you hear him crying? "Please Hailee, eat meeee." But still, the ruthless girl refuses to eat her toast." I shake my head at him and take the first bite of my toast.

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