Alone Time (C.W)

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Summary: Y/n's parents are away so Charlie and Y/n can spend the entire weekend together, in peace.

Y/n POV:

"Y/n, come say goodbye!" My mom calls up to me as read my X-men comics. I jump up excitedly and run downstairs. As I reach the landing I remember I have to seem sad about them leaving so I plaster on a fake pout and run into my mom's arms.

"Goodbye.." I mumble sadly as my mom wraps her arms around me and places a soft kiss on my forehead.

"Goodbye sweet pea," She replies.

"Don't get into too much trouble Y/n/n, and if you have a party make sure to clean up enough so we can't tell." My dad jokes pulling me into a bear hug. "But NO BOYS. Teenage boys are always going to be banned from this house." He adds with mock seriousness. I giggle and let go.

If only he knew.

"Contrary to what your father said, NO PARTIES ALLOWED. I'm not having my good cutlery being broken by a bunch of drunk teenagers." My mom interjects as they pull on their shoes.

"I wasn't planning on having a party but Charlie might come over for a bit," I reply. They nod their heads and smile. I know they don't love Charlie since she's not "rich enough" to be my friend but they have the decency to be civil about it and always plaster on a fake smile when she comes around. Which is rare.

"Okay then, well tell her I said hi." My mom replies before they walk out the door, get in their car and drive away. The second they pull out I run to the landline and dial Charlie's number.

"Hello, this is Ron." Charlie's stepdad answers. I groan internally and make sure to sound as cheery as possible when I speak.

"Hey Ron, it's Y/n. I was wondering if I could speak to Charlie?" I reply hoping he'll just pass the phone to her without any small talk.

"Oh hey Y/n, I can get her for ya." He yells out Charlie's name and I hear the pitter-patter of footsteps.

"Yes?" I hear her say, she sounds slightly annoyed.

"Y/n's on the phone, she's asking for you." He explains. There's a little bit of static noise and then a soft voice fills my ears.

"Hey! What's up?" I feel a small smile creep onto my face at the sound of her voice and I take a breath.

"My parents left, so if you wanna come over-"

"I'll be there in 5."

"Great, I'll see you soon. Love you."

"I love you too darling." She whispers the last word and I feel the butterflies flood into my stomach. She hangs up and I decide to sit on the couch waiting quite impatiently for her.


"You're literally so wrong!" Charlie exclaims as we dance around the kitchen making spaghetti. Her arms wrap around me as a slow song starts to play and I giggle at her smiley expression.

"You, Charlie Watson, are the cheesiest person I know." I tease placing several kisses on her lips. She shrugs and continues swaying to the music with me as we wait for the water to boil.

"You make me cheesy Y/n L/n." I blush and she picks me up. I wrap my legs around her and kiss her passionately letting her tongue invade my mouth as we get lost in each other.

"The water's boiling over!" I exclaim jumping out of her arms and pulling off the lid right before the pot boils over. It simmers down and she stares at me pouting.

"I can't believe you pulled back from our kiss."

"Charlie, the water was boiling over!" I protest falling back into her arms immediately. She continues to pout even after I kiss her so I kiss up to her ear and whisper. "I'll make it up to you tonight." Her eyes widen and she nods excitedly. I turn back to cooking and she walks up behind me wrapping her arms around my waist.

"I hope you understand that all I got from this interaction was that if I'm pouty enough I get laid."


Y/n POV:

"Baby.." A raspy voice calls to me. My eyes slowly flutter open and I smile up at my girlfriend whose face is peering down at me from above.

"Morning Charls," I mumble drowsily reaching out for her already. She giggles and pulls me onto her lap placing soft kisses on my forehead. I hum happily as her calloused fingers run through my hair and her lips attach themselves to my neck. "Fuck. I just woke up." I remind her letting out a soft moan. This weekend has been my favorite thing in the entire world. Charlie's been over the entire time, we've been free to hang out together and do other things without having to worry about either of our parents finding out.

Because lesbianism is tough.

"Did you hear what I said?" Charlie whispers in my ear sending shivers down my spine. I shake my head and she chuckles. "Well, I was asking if you wanted to go for a morning walk but it seems you're already falling back asleep on me." She teases as my eyes start to droop.

"Can we maybe go for an afternoon walk?" I murmur as I feel myself drifting off to sleep once again.

"Sure baby, obviously you're tired from last night." She replies and I nod my head lazily. "You can go back to sleep love, I'll be right here the entire time." She reassures me as I try and fight the sleepiness. Eventually, I give in and nuzzle my head into the crook of her neck as my eyes close.


Charlie POV:

I don't think I've ever seen someone as pretty as Y/n. I swear I don't understand how people can cheat on their partners, I'd rather die than cheat on her. My precious little angel. Her breathing comes out in soft snores and strands of her hair have fallen from where they're usually tucked behind her ears onto her face hiding her beautiful complexion. I resist the urge to move them since I know she's a light sleeper and I would hate to wake her up. A couple more minutes pass and she suddenly stirs.

"Charlie?" She calls out half asleep. I chuckle to myself and move her y/h/c locks off her face.

"I'm right here hon," I reply softly, hoping she'll just drift back to sleep. She blinks a few times and smiles up at me.

"I love you." She whispers straddling my lap and turning to face me. A large smile covers my face and she scrunches her nose at me.

"I love you too my pretty girl," I reply before peppering kisses all over her face. She giggles and pulls me closer.

"I'm literally so in love with you Charlie."

"Don't worry baby, the feeling is mutual," I reassure her placing a final kiss on her lips.


I've been wanting to write a Charlie fic for a while and I finally got around to it lol. I don't know about y'all but I can't imagine Charlie being anything but the cutest softy ever so I wrote this. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed it and you have an amazing day filled with lots of laughter and joy :)

Love you<3

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