Busy (H.S)

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Summary: Is Hailee too busy for Y/n?

Y/n POV: 

"Hey, babe!" I call out as I close the door to our apartment behind me. There's no response and I frown. I look for Hailee's jacket, but it's missing from her hook.

Is she still at work?

She said she'd be home early, but, it doesn't seem like she is. I look around the living room, but I'm stopped by two furballs that attack my legs playfully, jumping up on me.

"Tini, Brando!" I exclaim happily, picking up her two puppies. We've been living together for almost a month now, and it's almost our first anniversary. Hailee proposed the idea when she was shooting a movie in New York and still wanted to see me when she had weekend breaks. We both lived in LA, and she stayed at my apartment instead of her place whenever she could. 

Now, here we are, living together. It was a bit of an adjustment at first, but the positives definitely outweigh any minor inconveniences or changes I've had to make to adapt to living with someone else. 

I place the dogs on the couch and look around the apartment, checking our room first. I don't find my beautiful brunette girlfriend, so after a few minutes, I give up. I wander back into the living room and sit down on the couch, pulling out my phone to text Hailee.

Me: I just got home, are you still at work?

I send the message and let out a small sigh.

When will she let herself have a break?

Hailee POV:

I nod at everything the man in front of me is saying and subtly check my watch for the third time. It's almost 9 PM and I was supposed to be done at 3 PM today.

"Sorry, could we continue discussing plans tomorrow?" I ask the guy, hoping he'll let me go. He frowns and checks his watch. "I have dinner plans," I tell him. It's not a lie, but it's not the truth.

Y/n and I were supposed to be able to have dinner together tonight because I was supposed to be done at 3 PM, but things have run late again and I won't be able to make it. 

"I guess we can finish organizing the logistics tomorrow, we've gotten through almost everything we need to discuss." He sighs, standing up from his desk. "My assistant, Penelope, will escort you out." He explains before turning back to a pile of papers.

"Have a nice night, Mr. Peters," I tell him as I exit his office. The woman, who I assume to be Penelope, smiles at me and stands up.

"Right this way Ms. Steinfeld," She guides me to the elevator and rides with me to the lobby floor where she directs me to the front desk to sign out. "Goodnight," She calls to me as she walks away.

"Goodnight, Penelope," I call back as I sign my name on the sheet. "Is there anything else I need to do before I can leave?" I ask the secretary. She shakes her head and points to the doors.

"You're free," She jokes. I walk out of the building and wrap around to the back where my vehicle is parked. I open the door and slip into my seat, taking a deep breath. I pull out my phone and see a text message from my girlfriend.

Y/n/n: I just got home, are you still at work? Delivered 3:41 PM

I feel a pang of guilt as I realize that I never messaged her back.

Me: Sorry, I just got this, yes, work ran late. I'm on my way home right now.

I start my car and pull out of the parking lot, ready to finally get home. Recently, I've been having mixed feelings about living with Y/n. I love her, I love living with her, honestly, I love everything about her, but, I feel like I'm not there enough for her. 

Hailee Steinfeld Oneshots (GxG)Where stories live. Discover now