Haircut (H.S) (*)

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Summary: Y/n sees Hailee's new hair for the first time (and obsesses over it).


Don't get your hopes up, it's not really smutty. But, it's enough that I felt like putting a smut warning. Don't forget to vote, if this gets 80 votes. I'll consider making a smuttier part two!

Hailee POV:

"Okay, you're done!" My stylist, Megan, tells me, spinning me around to face the mirror. My eyes widen and I smile at my reflection. "What do you think?" She asks, catching my attention. I look up at her.

"I really like it!" I tell her, answering honestly. I look back at the mirror and he holds one up as well so I can see the back. I run my hand through my hair and it quickly goes through it, much different from my long hair.

It's obviously very different, but, I like it. Plus, it'll be so much easier to take care of. My only fear is that Y/n won't like it. I know it's silly since she thinks that everything I do is cute, regardless of whether I think it's cute or not, but, I'm still nervous.

She knew that I was going to get a haircut, but, she definitely didn't know that I was going to cut it this short. I hope she likes it because I really like it.

"Hailee?" Megan's voice jolts me from my thoughts. "Did you hear what I said?" I look up at her apologetically.

"No, sorry," I admit, focusing on her instead of Y/n's potential reactions.

"I just said that you're good to go if you want to head out," She explains, grabbing a broom and starting to sweep up the floor. I nod my head and stand up.

"Okay, thank you so much, Megan!" I start to walk out and she calls after me. 

"Make sure to text me about Y/n's reaction. I think she's going to love it!" My stomach does a nervous flip-flop, but I smile.

"Yeah, I will!"

Y/n POV:

The intro to The Office plays for the hundredth time today and Martini looks up at me again.

"Yes, I know, we've been watching for a while. But, I have today off and your other mom has been out shopping and getting haircut all day," Martini lays her head back down on my lap and I look over at Brando who is half sleeping on the couch with his head on my leg. 

They're both so cute.

I focus on the TV again and take a sip of my lemonade. Suddenly, the apartment door opens and both dogs jump up, sprinting towards it. I pause my show and get up as well.

"Wait!" Hailee's voice calls out. "Close your eyes!" I frown but close my eyes.

"Why?" I ask, sitting back down. 

"Close them!" She repeats, a little louder this time. Her voice sounds closer.

"Okay, okay. They're closed." I call back. There is a pitter-patter of footsteps and I can hear Hailee enter the living room. 

"Don't open them just yet," Her voice is much closer now and it sounds like she is only a couple of feet away. "I'm just putting down my bags, then, I'll tell you when you can open them,"

"Damn, this kind of sounds like last night-" I joke, referencing our late-night activities.

"Shush," Hailee giggles. I hear her put something down and then she moves even closer. "Okay, you can open them," 

I open my eyes and I look up at her. It takes a second to process, but suddenly, I see her hair.

"Oh. My. God." My jaw drops and I stand up, grabbing her waist and pulling her close. "Wow," She blushes a little and wraps her arms around my neck.

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