Dreams Pt. 2 (H.S) (*)

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Hailee POV:

Y/n opens the door and a conventionally attractive man smiles at her.

"Hey! Thank you so much for coming babe." Y/n exclaims happily, placing a kiss on his lips. He wraps his arms around her and smiles as I close the door behind him.

"No problem, I've been dying to meet this best friend of yours you've been gushing about for weeks," Nolan replies pecking her lips once more before letting go and turning to me. "I'm Nolan," He informs me holding out his hand with a smile. I shake it.

"Hailee, Y/n's best friend, as I'm sure she's mentioned," I reply with a fake smile. Y/n raises her eyebrows at me slightly but doesn't say anything. "Come in, make yourself at home," I add gesturing to the couch where Y/n and I were just sitting. He smiles and takes off his shoes before joining us.

"So, I've been hearing tons about you Hailee, but Y/n's never explained the story behind how you two met," Nolan says but I barely hear him, my mind is focused solely on his hand, which is placed on Y/n's thigh.

"Well, it's a pretty basic story honestly. Y/n and I met in middle school and just clicked. We've sort of been best friends ever since and we've been in a couple of movies together." I explain smiling over at her. She smiles back and leans her head onto Nolan's shoulder causing me to clench my jaw.

Why can't I just be straight?

"Yeah, Hailee's always been there for me and I love her so much." Y/n murmurs with adoration in her voice. I blush and smile at my lap before Nolan interrupts the silence.

"That's cute, I think I saw a movie with you two together it was like Bumblebee or something?" Y/n's eyes light up and she smiles even brighter.

"Yes! Oh my God, I loved filming that movie, it had so many fun stunts!"

I liked the deleted part where we kissed but...

"Me too! I love playing Charlie, hopefully, we'll start filming next year for the second one." I add and Nolan's eyes raise in surprise.

"You're filming a second one? I thought you were already doing that other movie." Nolan states seeming quite confused. Y/n frowns at him and shrugs.

"They'll just fit it into my schedule."

"But won't that mean you'll be gone most of the year?"

"Nolan," Y/n whispers warningly removing his hand from her thigh. "We can talk about this at home." He nods and then turns back to me.

"Hey Y/n, can I talk to you for a second? Alone." I ask smiling at her. She nods and grabs my hand pulling me up with her. She walks over to my room and I rest my head on her shoulder.

"Do you not like him?" She asks nervously, caressing my hair softly.

"Hmm, he's fine. I'm just, I don't know. I just don't wanna lose you..." I mumble sadly as she wraps her arms around me. I look up at her and see her frowning.

"Haiz, you'll always be my #1 no matter what. I love you, you're my best friend and me having a boyfriend won't change that, I promise." She whispers pecking my temple softly.

"I love you too," I murmur and we start to head back to Nolan.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING IN MY GIRLFRIEND'S HOUSE!?" A voice yells. We rush back into the living room and see Niall with Nolan.

"Calm down, I'm not here for Hailee, I'm Y/n's boyfriend," Nolan replies calmly and Y/n steps forward.

"A boyfriend? I always assumed you were a dyke." Y/n frowns and Nolan clenches his jaw.

"No would care if she was dipshit! Stop being a fucking homophobe, you're not cool!" Nolan hisses pushing Niall away from Y/n. Niall swings at Nolan but his punch is blocked and Nolan steps back. "Chill out."

"Everyone stop," I shout and Niall turns to me.

"What the fuck Hailee, you're not allowed to have guys in your apartment," Niall yells at me and clenches his jaw at Y/n. "Or slutty dykes who are just trying to fuck you!"

"Get out!" I yell pointing to the door. He smiles and looks over at Y/n. "You, Niall." I hiss. His face changes.

"Wait what?" He asks.

"Get the fuck out of my house and never come back." He mumbles something while glaring at Y/n before slamming the door. I sigh in relief and feel a pair of arms wrap around me.

"I'm sorry," Y/n whispers softly in my ear, her head now resting on my shoulder. Nolan nods his head in agreement.

"And I'm sorry for pushing your boyfriend."

Fucking men.

"Ex-boyfriend." I correct him curtly. Y/n walks over and whispers something to Nolan who smiles and glances back at me.

"Well, it was nice to meet you, Hailee, I'm sorry about this whole thing, I'll see you around." He walks away and Y/n flops down on the couch, opening her arms so I can climb into them.


"He's so fruity," Y/n admits out of the blue. I whip my head around to face her and she giggles. I take another sip of my white claw and hope that she'll continue.

"Who, Nolan?" I ask curiously, interlacing my fingers with Y/n's. She nods and throws her head back.

"He's literally gayer than me," My eyes widen at her statement, and due to my drunken state I just stare at her. She turns her head. "What?" She asks, blinking a few times while looking at me.

"Nothing.." I lie turning away and letting her head fall onto my shoulder.

"You have such a kissable neck, has anyone ever told you that?" I hear her whisper. Holy shit she's hammered. I shake my head hoping she'll move on but she doesn't. Her hand tips my face to look at her again and she smiles. "Your lips are kissable too, that I know." I blush and my gaze falls to my lap. "Somehow you always look perfect," Y/n announces, her fingers running over my lips. I look up at her and before I know it my lips are on hers.

Y/n POV:

My eyes widen as Hailee's lips crash onto mine roughly, a small whimper leaving my mouth as my arms wrap around her. I lay back on the couch, pulling her jacket off and letting her lift my leg up slotting it against her waist as she slips her tongue into my mouth. Our lips move in unison washing away everything else as we move toward the bedroom. This one is definitely not a dream.

A/N: I'm having the biggest writer's block ever and it fucking sucks :'(

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