Dirty Secret (H.S)

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Summary: Y/n's tired of being Hailee's dirty secret.

High school AU because I'm obsessed, lol

Also, if this part gets 145 votes, I'll write part two!

Y/n POV:

    "What's up bitches!" My best friend Luc yells out as he practically throws his body down onto the lunch table. I raise an eyebrow at him while moving my food back and he smirks. "Guess who I saw in the hallway making out with Parker." He exclaims Cheshire's grin gleaming in the florescent school lights.

I swear to God I have never met someone who is so invested in high school drama. He lives for gossip.

    "Who did you see Luc?" I ask boredly pushing my food across my plate before dropping my fork and instead taking a sip of my Starbucks once again.

    "Hailee Steinfeld." My drink slips out of my hand as I choke on it my head reeling at the news.

    "Jesus Christ Y/n, you good?" Luc asks as he sets my now mostly empty cup back up on the table and throws a large amount of napkins on the 

    "Yeah, yeah I'm good." I croak, now standing up to assist him with cleaning up the mess I made. I glance around quickly to see if anyone is staring and to my relief everyone is trapped in their own world, sitting on their phones.

    "Leave it to Y/n L/n to choke on the thing keeping her alive." He jokes once we've cleaned it all up and thrown the napkins in the garbage. I laugh lightly and then my mind redirects itself back onto its previous thought.

Hailee kissed someone else?

The thought alone makes my blood boil and causes my heart to sting at the same time.

    "You sure it was Hailee?" I ask curiously now looking up at Luc's face so I can see his expression. He nods his head and then tilts it quizzically back at me.

    "Why?" I gulp and then shrug.

    "I just y'know.." I trail off before I find the words I'm searching for. "I didn't think she'd be the making out in the hallways type of girl," I explain feebly while Luc's eyes search all over my face. Just as I think he's going to question me he shrugs his shoulder and returns to his usual arrogant self.

    "Yeah, I didn't think so either but I definitely saw her."

    "Cool..." I go to take a sip of my coffee again but then realize it's empty. Of course.

    "Want to go get another one?" Luc offers shooting me a genuine smile and offering his hand to me. I nod my head and take his hand. We walk out of the cafeteria and a couple of guys smile at me. Luc notices and pulls me closer shaking his head. "They're staring at you again, I thought you said it stopped." He complains loudly now pulling me away even quicker.

    "They did, that was just one guy." I protest as Luc stalks down the hallway.

    "No, Y/n, several boys were sending you 'fuck me' eyes, trust me-" Luc stops short as he crashes into someone, pulling me down with him.

    "Shit, sorry!" A familiar female voice calls out. I groan and hold my ribs as Luc pushes me off.

    "It's totally fine, it was our fault..." I look up at her and my sentence falls apart. A glimmer of joy flashes across her face as she recognizes me and then it's filled with something else.

Regret? Guilt?.. Both?

    "It was my fault, I was ranting and I definitely wasn't looking where I was going. Sorry Hailee." Luc apologizes as he grabs my hand and pulls me closer to him. His hand tucks a stray hair back behind my ear and I smile up at him.

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