Ch. 2 : Closer To Mother

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Ch. 2: closer to mother

Returnees: WHAT?!

The returnees exclaim, they were shocked and tried to deny what they just heard.

Menma: impossible! Sure, I admit that Naruto is strong, but to surpass the First Hokage and Uchiha Madara?! I wont believe it!

Sasuke: no matter how strong he is, I know that I'm at least close to his level! And I will prove it!

Except for Kushina who believe in her eldest sons achievement and Minato who is keeping silent, the others also deny what Tsunade said.

Kakashi: are you really serious, Hokage-sama?

Tsunade nod, meaning she is serious in her claims about how strong the disown UzuKaze. Throughout the whole conversation Minato didn't speak, he just keep quiet.

Tsunade(thinking): Everyone, there is something you all need to know. Naruto is already engage to his girlfriends: Ino, Haku, Temari and to a new member of his Harem.

Everyone: WHAT?! He is already engage?! 

Tsunade(nod): Yes. 

Naruko(shock): he gain yet another one?! Who?!

Tsunade sigh before she answer her.

Tsunade: you guys will not believe it. It's our very own Snake Mistress, Mitarashi Anko.

Everyone's eyes were bulging trying to process what the blond Hokage said. Tsunade also give them time to recover and let her words sink in. Then...


Tsunade: uhmmm, yes. You're right, I guess. But not only that, they already decided to get married next year on Narutos birthday. Haku and Temari are already living here in Konoha and become an official kunoichi of the village since last year."

"I don't know what charm he is using to attract the attention of the ladies, but he is about to gain yet another member. It's the heiress of the Hyuuga Clan, Hyuuga Hinata.

"Aside from being the captain of his own Jonin team with his girlfriends as the members, he is also the Sensei of the graduating Genin in the new Team 7."


Tsunade: now that you have arrived, do you want to have spar for a bit? I can call Naruto and his Jonin Team: Ino, Haku, Temari and Anko. Prankling speaking, I want to see how much progress you made in the past 3 years.

3 Genin: YOURE ON!

They didn't even think twice and accept the match after hearing that they're going to be fighting Naruto and his team. It's time for a rematch.

Tsunade(smirk): Good! a warning though, do not-and I mean-do not ever underestimate any one of them or you will be in a world pain. Anbu! Call Team Harem here!

The Anbu and the return group sweatdrop at the ridiculous naming sense, except for Menma and Sasuke who didn't hold back their laughter.

Menma: HaHaHaHaHa, what the hell is with that name? Who the hell name their team 'Team Harem'? How ridiculous!

Sasuke: Oh My God, I'm dying! Is he trying to brag to the others that he has a Harem? And all of them are the members of his team? Pfft, so he leave Team 7 to form his own Dream Team? (Lol)

Menma(lol): Stop, Stop! My stomach is going to burst! Oh s#I+!

Minato and the Anbu hiding in the ceiling also join the laugh. After 10 minutes the Anbu return with [Team Harem].

They notice that the others are holding back in their laughter and already guess that they already know from Tsunade the name of their Team. They frown but didn't really care.

Naruto: you called for us, Hokage-sama?

Before Tsunade could answer him, Kushina run and hug Naruto surprising Tsunade, the Anbu and the returnees.

Kushina: Naruto, my baby boy, you've grown! Did you miss me? Did you miss your mama?

Everyone sweatdrop at Kushinas action except Team Harem, but Narutos answer surprise them the most. He smile to her mother and nod.

Naruto: a little, I guess.

Everyone(shock): (WHAT?! when did Kushina and Naruto become closer to each other?!)

What they didn't know, is that in the 3 years that they were gone Kushina would send letters to Naruto every month. She would ask if he is well? Did he get another girl? Is he training everyday? Can she expect a grandkid soon? And more.

Naruto started to open to Kushina and would sometimes reply to her letters and ask if she is taking care of herself. Kushina was touch and happy that her eldest started to communicate to her even if it's through the letters.

Everyone except for Team Harem was stunned, they didn't expect that Kushina is already starting to get closer to Naruto and mend their broken relationship. And they didn't even know it or suspect a thing.

A/N: hi guys, miss me? RokuShiki here, i have finally started uploading the chapters for the Second Book of [Naruto the Second Kaido].

"Please support the Book 2 like how you show support to the first Book. And dont forget to Vote, Follow and Check my other Fanfic works. Thanks."

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