Ch. 15 : Niece? Cousin? Meeting New Uzumaki's

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Ch. 15: niece? cousin? / meeting new uzumakis

7 people-no-6 people and a Dragon can be seen in the sky. The gigantic monstrous Dragon is carrying the 6 people in its back, they are flying on their way back to Konoha.

The giant Golden Dragon is obviously Naruto, and the 6 oeople he is carrying are: Yamanaka Ino, Momochi Yuki Haku, Sabaku Temari, Mitarashi Anko, UzuKaze Kushina and Senju Tsunade.

Anko: Hey, whats that?!

Anko noticed the activity down below and point her finger to the 2 running women that was being pursued by a couple of shinobis that have a Musical Note symbol in their hitai-ate. They are Sound Shinobis from Otogakure.

Naruto and the others look down on whats going on, Kushina gasp as she noticed something to the 2 escapees.

Kushina: Naruto-chan, those 2 women being pursued are half-Uzumakis! Please, lets help them, Naru-chan! They are family!

Naruto: dont worry, i got this.

He nod as he started to descend. The 2 Uzumaki women and the Sound Ninjas noticed the titanic being in the sky getting closer and closer to them. The Sound Shinobis instantly recognized what or who it is, fear is visible in their faces.


Naruto(smirk): Run? Not so easy! Demolation Breath!

Dragon-Naruto open his Draconic mouth and lethal Wind Blades come out. The dangerous scythe-like winds rain and bisected the Sound Pursuers, limbs are flying everywhere as the ground was turn into crimson color.

With his advance Observation Haki, not a single enemies survive his onslaught. The blood of the dead enemies cause a nauseating stench in the nose of the 2 half-Uzumaki women. Torn limbs littered the area, its like watching hell on earth.


6 people jump from Narutos back using Geppo, Tsunade just jump but use Tekkai to harden her body as she cant use the same technique as the others.

When she landed in the ground a LOUD BANG was heard and dirts are flying everywhere. Theres also a meter deep crater can be seen in where she is standing.

The 2 red heads where in both shock and afraid, at the same time Tsunade landed the other 5 people landed as well. Naruto also transformed back into his human form. The 2 instantly recognized who he was and took their fighting stance, though they are still scared. Naruto just smile at them.

Kushina(surrender pose): dont be scared, dont be scared! My name is Uzumaki Kushina of Konoha, and these is my son Naruto. The blond woman with 106cm bust is the 5th Hokage, Senju Tsunade.

Naruto and the others, including the 2 red heads chuckled at Kushinas 106cm comment.

Kushina: the 4 girls are my son's fiancees: Yamnaka Ino, Momochi Yuki Haku, Sabaku Temari and Mitarashi Anko. You 2 are Uzumaki too, right? What are your names?

Uzumaki #1(gasp): you are Uzumaki Kushina-sama?! I cant believe ill find you here!

Uzumaki #2: you know her, Karin?

The 1st Uzumaki woman known as Karin look at her friend with sparkling eyes.

Karin(smile): of course! She is a Princess of Uzushiogakure and my mothers sister, meaning she is my aunt.

Everyone were shock at her revelation.

Kushina: you are my Niece?!

Naruto: you are my Cousin?!

Fiancees: you are our Cousin in-law?!

Karin: Yes! I am!

Kushina: i do indeed have a sister, 2 in fact and a brother. What is the name of your mother, Karin-chan?

Karin: her name is Uzumaki Fuze.

A/N: Chapter 15 is done. Dont forget to Vote, Follow and Check my other Fanfic works. Thanks and Happy Reading Everyone! 

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