Ch. 57 : Forgiveness/Kusa Mission

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Ch. 57: Forgiveness/Kusa Mission

Naruto: I heard from Mom that there is something you want to say?

They nod.

Minato also stop his thinking when he heard Naruto speak. Then, he noticed that everyone is gone except for the people who also wanted to apologize to his son like him.

Menma: W-we wanted to apologize to you properly, Brother, for all the stupid things we do and words we said to you...before. We were such jerks and let the Civilians pampered us, we are sorry(bow).

Naruko(😭): We have hurt you. We didn't even stop to think why or when we have stop being a family to you. Sorry, Brother.

Kakashi(😔): I'm sorry too, Naruto. I know what it feels like to be alone as I have lost my Father, the remaining of my family at an early age. I should have understood you, and yet-

"I just left you alone and focus more on training my other student, Sasuke, thinking that I'm doing it to honor my dead teammate who also came from the same Clan. (Bow) I'm really sorry!"

Jiraiya: I...have been blinded when I heard the word 'Prophecy'. Thinking that my Godchild was the one choosen to save the Shinobi world, I got so excited that I didn't even bother to check on which one is the right one.

"I didn't even noticed that I have drove my student's family into falling and breaking apart and was focus on an unclear prophecy.

"My ignorance was the cause of your Neglection. I dont have the right to apologize, but still, I'm sorry (bow). If you want to get angry, please direct it to me."

Naruto frown slightly and the guilty ones flinched and gulp. He didn't comment at what they said, he just look at Minato before he ask.

Naruto: And you, Yondaime-sama? Do you have business with me as well?

Minato swallow his saliva as beads of sweat are threatening to fall from his face.

Minato: Na-naruto... Son... (Dogeza) I'm sorry! I know I'm a failure as a father, I admit it. I have neglected you, train your siblings excluding you and even help in abusing you.

"I'm not asking you to forgive me or treat me like your father again. But please, at least give your siblings a chance just like your mother and start over again as a family. Please."

Jiraiya/Kakashi/Siblings: Minato/Sensei/Dad!

Outside the house, Kushina and the others are listening to their conversation through the [Listening Seal] that Kushina put under her dining chair.

Kushina is worried for her husband, children and the 2 perverts.

She can only pray and hope that her son would also forgive them, giving them a chance to prove themselves that they are truly sorry and restart again as a real family this time.

Kushina: (Please, Naru-chan. We have all sin to you, but you forgive me. Please, give them at least one last chance to show you that they are truly sorry and wanted to change.)

Tsunade pat Kushina's shoulder.

Tsunade(smile😊): Don't worry, Kushina. Im sure that Naruto knows what is the right thing to do. Who knows, maybe he just probing them to see if they are truly regretting their past actions and decisions.

Team Harem, 2 Uzumaki, Shizune and Hiruzen nod trying to comfort the UzuKaze matriarch.

[Inside The House]

Naruto(sigh): While I dislike what you people did, neglecting and abusing me. I can't deny that I am thankful that you disown me (they flinched). Otherwise, I wouldn't have become what I am today.

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