Ch. 32 : Obito is Captured

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Ch. 32: Obito is captured

Minato(shock): What do you mean Obito is alive?! Didn't you say in your report before that he died when got crash by the boulders?!

Kakashi(nod): Yes, but he said that the real Madara and another one named Zetsu saved him and fix him up.

Kushina(still angry): And what did he say his reason was for starting all this mess?! Why is he trying to kill our family, destroying Konoha and making innocent people suffer?! He better have a good reason or he is dead! I will kill him myself!

Kakashi(head low): Because Rin is dead. He said that she is the only person that give him the reason to move on after losing his parents. But I let her die. So I am also the reason that he turn out like this.

Shikamaru: Excuse me. Sorry for interrupting, Yondaime-sama. But are we not going to help Naruto?!

Jiraiya: The kid is right, Minato. While I am sad and angry that my godchildren is dead, we still have Naruto. I admit that he is strong, but don't forget that he is still fighting the 2 Kyuubi right now.

Minato nod. They all look at Naruto as he fought the 2 Kyuubi valiantly and mightily. They even noticed that he is winning and was just playing against the 2 beast.

Watching his heroic actions, the back-up Group gulp.

[Team Dragon]

Ino(wave): Hinata! Over here, over here! Come here, Hinata!

Haku, Temari and Anko also smile and wave at her to come to them. Hinata ran to where her harem sisters are. Watching her go, Kurenai, Tenten and even Sakura felt jealousy.

A guy like Naruto who is both Strong, Kind, Rich and treat his women like queens and equally too is very attractive to any women. They felt a pang in their hearts that they didn't get his affection.

Kurenai and Tenten gulp.


Naruto: Rankyaku: Dai Ringu (Storm Leg: Great Ring)!

Naruto kick and spin 360° and a sharp, giant ring made of Air Blade fly and continue to expand until it hit the 2 Kyuubi.

(A/N: Itsvthe same as Kaku's rankyaku that cut the justice tower. But I forgot the name.)

The Bijuu's chest got cut but wound is only big enough to immobilize them and not kill them.

Team 7, Back-up Group and Itachi were shock.

Everyone: WHAT THE HELL!



Choji: (munch) He is sooo (munch) beyond us (munch).

Kurenai and Tenten blush while Sakura have a sad look knowing he can never get the favor and love of the strongest man ever again.



Even though Naruto is locked inside the barrier, he [Heard] what his parents say. Naruto look at them and nod.

Naruto: Geppo (Moon Walk)!

Naruto kick the air multiple times as he blitz and enter the 'Yang' Kyuubi's body through the wounds on its chest.

He used Observation Haki to pinpoint Obito's location. And after sensing him near Yang Kurama's heart, he smile like a maniac.

 And after sensing him near Yang Kurama's heart, he smile like a maniac

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Naruto: Found you, Uchiha Obito! (Shunshin)

Naruto appeared in front of Obito who was surprised when seeing him. He then kick Obito in the face. Seeing this, Obito use his Kamui to make the attack pass through him.

But he forgot that he can't used it inside the specialized barrier created to counter his Space-Time ability. He got hit, fly and hit the giant heart.

Yang Kurama roar in pain.

Naruto(laughing): How forgetful of you, Uchiha Obito. We are still inside the [Spatial-Locked Barrier], Dattebayo. Now be a good boy like you portrayed you are and follow me outside.

"Your 'Sensei' and 'Nee-san' are waiting for you outside. Oh, and believe me, my mother is very pissed. So I advice you to say your prayers now and prepare yourself.

"Fuinjutsu: Chakra Sealing Seal... Fuinjutsu: Dojutsu Sealing Seal... And for the final touch. Fuinjutsu: Movement Binding Seal! Now, you're as good as fuck. Let's go."

Obito(gasp): (Shit, I was careless!)

Naruto come out from the Yang Kyuubi's wound with Uchiha Obito in his hand. Before the 2 Kyuubi can do anything to Naruto, he disappeared and exit the barrier in a flashing speed.

Angry Minato and pissed Kushina look at Obito with hate, rage and disappointment. Naruto throw Obito to them and ask.

Naruto: He is all your's. Now, where are Menma and Naruko?

A/N: Obito is finally captured, but will this ends everything then? What will happen to Menma and Naruko? Will they really die? Find out next time and Enjoy the Chapter.

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