Ch. 42 : Konan is Captured

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Ch. 42: Konan is Captured

Konan grit her teeth.

Konan: (They won't let me regroup with Pein and wants to keep me here, this is not good.)

Her eyes widen as she felt danger behind her. Without looking back, she dived to avoid whoever it is.

Her instinct was spot on as she narrowly dodges the kick from Haku who suddenly appeared behind from where she was just a moment ago.

Anko(whistle): Wewww! You dodge Haku's kick, nice instinct you have there, Woman.

Ino(Smile): Then let's out your instinct to a test. Let's test how long can it help you dodge our attacks. [Yoton: Magu Dama (Magma Bomb)]!

Ino release a Magma Ball from her mouth that is as big as a humans head and charge to Konan.

Seeing this, Konan flap her paper wings by flying to different direction to evade the Lava Bomb.

But Temari sense her flight direction using her Observation Haki and Soru in front of her, blocking her way.

Temari smash her large combat fan to Konan's head and she got hit. And since the fan was coated with Armament Haki, she was hit hard.

Konan instantly got dizzy and lose control on her wings and was falling down, she couldn't ascend back.

She was about to hit the ground when Anko dive down and use her Snakes to bind her and saving her.

Before she could sigh in relief the Snakes bit her neck and the poison enter her body. It's not a lethal poison to kill but just enough to paralyze her and lose her consciousness.

Konan close her eyes filled with regret for being careless. She is captured.

Temari: Mission to Capture the Akatsuki woman: Success!

Haku(smile): Good job, Girls! I'm sure that Naru-koi will be proud of us and reward us later.

Ino: Ohhh~ I cant wait for the reward!

Anko(smirks): I don't know what you girls want, but I already know what I want as my reward, hehehe.

Temari(sweatdrop): I think we have the same idea of what we want...

They look at each other before they giggled perversely.

Naruto suddenly felt a shiver in his spine.

Naruto: (Was it those girls? They must be looking for a reward or something for a job well-done again, damn...)

As his fiancee's is coming back to him and carrying an unconscious Konan they suddenly witness Naruto's powerful [Boro Breath] destroyed the forest and 1 of the Path with long and orange hair.



Naruto(yawn): All this talk is boring and making me sleepy. (Sense his Fiancee's) Hahaha! Hey Nagato, your girlfriend isn't much, huh.

"My girls already captured her and are on their way back here to rendezvous with me and Hinata. You lost another asset."

Everyone was speechless at how fast his lovers defeated the partner of the Akatsuki Leader.

Tendo(shock): What?! Your bluffing! Konan can't be defeated that easily, even if her opponents was train by you!

Naruto(sneer): Believe it or not, it's the truth.

Itachi: I can't believe it. I know that Konan is strong, possibly stronger than Orochimaru and Kakuzu. To think that Naruto-kuns fiancee's defeated her so easily and fast.

Kakashi: You know her more than anyone of us here. If you think she is strong then we believe you. It just means, that Naruto's girls have already surpass most of us here.

Jiraiya(sad): (Konan.)

Tendo: Enough! [Bansho Ten'in (Universal Pull)]!

Naruto was pulled by an invisible force and flew to Tendo's direction. But Naruto isn't afraid, he smirks before transforming into his Golden Dragon-Hybrid form.

Konoha Ninja's: What the hell is that?!

Kushina/Tsunade/Hinata: Sochi/Naruto/Naruto-kun!

Naruto: You're losing your cool, Uzumaki Nagato. [Boro Breath]!

Tendo: Tch! [Shinra Tensei (Universal Push)]!

The 2 Techniques collide! The collision between the 2 strong techniques cause a strong shockwave that push back the Konoha Shinobi's that surrounds the two.

The collision continue until Tendo Pein frown as he confirm that his Jutsu is getting push back.

The Tendo's eyes widen in shock and jump to get away in the [Boro Breathe's] trajectory path.

Tendo managed to evade it, including Naraka Path, Preta Path and the Animal Path. But the Human Path is unfortunate and feel victim to the powerful Draconic Roar and instantly vanished.

The Human Path was turned to dust. Disintegrated.

Tendo: What was that!? It's not made of Chakra! What is it, Kaido?!

Naruto(smirks): Now, why should I tell you? Are you afraid, Mr. God?

Everyone cheered when Naruto destroyed his second victim. And this time, his fiancee's landed together after using Geppo. With Konan, of course.

Naruto put a Chakra Seal on her.

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