Ch. 39 : Opening Fire/Destroying Shurado

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Ch. 39: opening fire/destroying shurado

Hearing the words [Intruder] and [Akatsuki] means trouble and war. The people in the Hokage's office turn pale face.

Tsunade(grit her teeth): They must've come for the 3 siblings. Minato, Kushina, you 2 go and protect Menma and Naruko now!

Kushina: What about Naru-chan?

Tsunade: The fact that he is not here except for his Genin team and Hinata, means that he intercepted the enemies to give us more time to prepare if some of the enemies managed to bypass him.

"I will not waste his effort and ready the village to fight the Akatsuki if they appeared. Now, you 2 go and make sure your children are safe."

Minato and Kushina nod then leave the office using Minato's [Hiraishin]!

Tsunade: Jiraiya, you will lead the Anbu and help Naruto in delaying the enemies. And make sure they won't get him, he is also their target!

Jiraiya: Got it, Hime! Anbu, alert your comrades and join me later to fight the enemies. Inform the surviving Root Anbus as well for back-up, now Go!

Jiraiya and the Anbu's shunshin away to different directions, leaving the office.

Tsunade: Sensei, can I leave the evacuations of the people to you?

Hiruzen(nod): Alright. After I don my battle gears, I will go. (Shunshin)

Tsunade turn to Hinata and the Genins.

Tsunade(smile): Good job, you 4. You can go back now and help the evacuating villagers and control panic.

The 5: Hai, Hokage-sama!

Tsunade(stand up): This is the final battle against the last members of the Akatsuki. After this, the Shinobi Nations will finally achieved peace just like you always wanted, Jiraiya.

[2 Mile's Outside the Village]

7 people are walking to Konoha's direction, 1 living woman and 6 walking corpses. The woman is of course Konan, the Organization's 2nd in- command.

They are walking calmly like they are not going to war. Until they heard a voice and a cutting sound of something sharp.

Female Voice: [Fuuton: Kamaitachi!]

Konan didn't even look nervous at the lethal wind coming to her direction as she know that Pein will protect her.

One of the 'living' corpse charge, widen his stance and put his 2 hands in front of him. The Wind Jutsu hit his hands. But instead of getting severed by the sharp blade of wind, it got absorbed instead.

Gakido Pain: [Blocking Technique Absorption Seal!]

The sharp [Kamaitachi] disappeared without a trace in the hands of the chubby pain

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The sharp [Kamaitachi] disappeared without a trace in the hands of the chubby pain.

Male Voice(whistle): Cool! Tema-darling, you go now and handle the blue-haired woman but don't kill her, okay? We need her alive.

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