Ch. 61 : Revisiting Sky Island

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Ch. 61: Revisiting Sky Island

Previously on [The Legend of Kaido Naruto]:

Naruto: Greetings, Brothers and Sisters of Isobu and Kurama! My name is Kaido Naruto and I welcome you all for your successful return to the real world!

"I have release you all from being imprison inside the Gedo Mazo which is behind you. But do not be alarm, I have no intention of sealing you all to another human or used your powers against your will."

At the mention of the Gedo Mazo, the 5 Bijuu, in their panic immediately turn around and took a defensive stance.

But after seeing that it isn't doing anything, much less moving, the 5 Beast relax and let their guard down...a little.


Naruto(smile): You don't have to worry, the [Gedo Mazo] won't absorb you all anymore. As long as I am the one Summoning it, at least.

The 5 Bijuu sigh in relief after hearing his assuring words.

Kokuo(Gobi): I have heard of you, Kaido Naruto. Everytime my Jinchuuriki visit the Old Tsuchikage for a mission, we always hear him curse your name.

"He always curse the 'spawn' of the [Yellow Flash] and the [Red Death], and Konoha for having another Protector. (Sigh) If only he knew the extent of your capabilities...(sigh)"

Naruto(gasp): The Old Man still can't get over on what happen in the 3rd Great Ninja War? And why is he cursing me, I haven't even been born at that time let alone fight them? What a pity Old Man.

Minato can only give an embarrassed smile which Kushina find cute.


Naruto: What are you guys going to do now? If you return to your villages, there's no doubt that they will just sealed you again to another humans. Your freedom will be taken from you all again.

Son Goku: I don't know about the others, but I don't want to return to that village and get imprison again.

Chomei: Yes, Yes! Same here!

Matatabi(nod): Me too. The Raikage's aren't my type, they are all pushy and rough men with tan skin and oversize muscles. Disgusting! I'd rather be with this hunk who freed us, he's cute~!

Everyone Sweatdrop...

Saiken: I also agree with my brother and sisters. What about you, Kokuo?

Kokuo: Hmmm... Kaido Naruto, do you have a proposition?

Kushina: How about living here in Uzushio? This barrier that we erected surrounds the whole island and isolate it to the outside world. You can say that it is a type of Space-Time Barrier.

Jiraiya: Yes, good idea. If any outsiders came here, all they will see are the ruins of the village. And if they tried to enter, they will just return to where they come from without even knowing it.

Minato: And even if they tried to cancel the barrier, they will need 4 Level 9-10 Fuinjutsu Seal Masters to do it. The only ones who are allowed entry and leave, are us here. The lesser the people know, the safer you all here.

Kakashi: This place just need...yeah, a little bit of House Cleaning.

Kokuo: Hmmm... A good idea, indeed. But let us Bijuu think about it first.

While the 5 Beasts are having their own meeting, Ino called Naruto's attention. After telling her idea, Naruto and his other wives smile and agreed.

Naruto: Guys! My wife, Ino-hime have an idea which we approved. Will you hear her first?

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