Ch. 7 : Face to Face with Dragon Naruto

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Ch. 7: face to face with dragon naruto

Temari(nod): I understand, Naruto-koi. Please, save Gaara. Please save my brother.

Naruto smile and caress her left cheek.

Naruto: don't worry, leave it to us, my dear.

After Ino and Sakura extract the poison and save Kankuros life, they then proceed to create an antidote for Sasori's poison for when they fight him later.

The group-lets call them [Team Rescue]... Team Rescue plus the Suna Council Elder name Granny Chiyo who attack the copy ninja Hatake Kakashi, mistaking him for his father Hatake Sakumo join them.

The group leave to find the 2 Akatsuki members and possibly their hideout too. Sasori and Deidara are taking their time as they are walking calmly to their destination.

Then, Zetsu, a plant man-mysterious being surface from the hard ground warning his comrades. He spoke in a nervous and panic tone, different from his usual calm self

Zetsu: Sasori, Deidara, hurry up and leave! Kaido Naruto is on his way to your location and he and his group is approaching fast!

"In his group are: Minato the 4th Hokage, Red Death Kushina, Jiraiya the Sannin, Copy Ninja Kakashi and Suna Elder Chiyo. Now leave, hurry!"

Deidara(shock): the 4th Hokage is coming too?! That's quite the line up, un! This is not good, Sasori-danna, un!

Sasori(frown): Granny Chiyo is also coming, huh? Not the time for reunion. Hurry up and create those transportation birds of yours, Deidara, we're leaving.

The blond Iwagakure rogue-nin do as he says and create 2 clay birds, 1 for Sasori and 1 for him and the capture Kazekage.

But the speed of their rides is like a snail when you compared it to Narutos Dragon form. After flying for 5 miles more, Team Rescue overtaken them.

The giant Golden Dragon circle the 2 Rogue Akatsuki members with his long-golden body and is glaring at them. His glare feels like it is piercing their bodies, so scaryyy!

Sasori/Deidara: (wh-what is this pressure he's emitting, so heavy and suffocating. So this is the presence of the new God of Shinobi? Damn it! If I know I shouldn't have come here. Curse you, Pain!)

Thought the 2 Rogue ninja. Then Naruto calmly said...

Naruto: thank you for waiting, Akatsuki. Now, return my brother to me now or die!

Sasori and Deidara can only grit their teeth in frustration.

Sasori/Deidara: (what rotten luck to have meet this guy.)

Sasori: let's trade, God of Shinobi, Kaido Naruto. We will return the Ichibi Jinchuuriki to you, in exchange allow the 2 of us to leave...Please.


Naruto release the full-power of Kings Haki, and instead if scattering it like he did in wave when he target the people hired by Gato, this time he focus it only to Sasori and Deidara.

The 2 Akatsuki members bidies wobble until they begun to descend as they fall down. Deidara is completely unconcious but Sasori is still awake bit was stunned and weaken.

Because the major part of his body is now made of woods, wires and other unknown stuff, in other words, he is now a DOLL, that the Haki didn't shut him unconscious for good.

He then address his girlfriends.

Naruto: girls, if you please?

Ino/Haku/Anko: Yes, Baby!

Ino: Rankyaku (Storm Leg)!

Ino kick the air and an Air Blade was form, it cut the Clay birds tail that holds Gaara.

Anko: Geppo (Moon Walk)!

Anko repeatedly kick the air until she got a firm hold of Gaara. She kick the air again until they land in Dragon Narutos back.

Haku: Hyoton: Frozen Ice Coffin!

With a single wave of her hands, Haku freeze the 2 Rogues leaving only their heads so they can breath.

Naruto: good job, My Loves! Haku-hime, please bring them up. Ino-hime, I leave the blond rogue from Iwagkure to you, I believe in your familys jutsu to get the information we seek from him.

"Anko-hime, secure Sasori's poison like we have talk before, I leave it's studying to you. I believe in you 3."

Harem(smile proudly): leave it to us, Darling!

A/N: I put the Kings Haki in () which is for 'thought'. As I am still learning how to write the thick-black letters and the slash-type letters, please make do of this. Haha. Also, don't forget to Vote, Follow and Check my other Fanfic works. Thanks. 

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