Ch. 4 : Ino Vs Sakura / Narutos Fury

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Ch. 2: ino vs sakura / narutos fury

<Ino Vs Sakura>

After taking her stance, Sakura charge to Ino cocking her right hand.

Sakura: I admit you have become stronger after becoming Narutos girlfriend since 3 years ago, Ino. But don't think that you can defeat me so easily, I have also train hard in this past last years. SHANNAROOOOO!!!

The punch she give to Ino is indeed devastating, the shockwave was felt by everyone watching the match. Sakura did indeed give it her all in that punch. But... as they have the same teacher which is Tsunade, Ino easily caught her enhance punch with the same chakra level.

Sakuras eyes widen in shock, she couldn't believe that giving her all isn't enough to send her long time rival and friend flying. But deep inside her, she knows why.

Tsunade teaches them both not only in Medical Ninjutsu but also in her own Taijutsu called: the Brutal Force. Sakura just couldn't gain advantage over Ino.

Ino just repeatedly catch and redirect her punches. When Sakura made a mistake and accidentally show a hole in her defense, Ino capitalized it and give her a knee strike in her stomach.

Sakura cough out a saliva and skid back. She is sweating hard while looking at the calm and compose and didn't break a sweat Ino.

Sakura(panting): (damn it, she is really strong. She is not even going all out and just playing with me. Just how did Naruto train them, anyway?)

Ino(smile): you have indeed come a long way from your previous Sasuke-fangirl self, Sakura. But if you think Tsunade-samas Brutal Force Taijutsu is enough to defeat me then you're simple overestimating yourself.

Sakura grit her teeth and once again run and attack Ino. Ino simply stand her ground and calmly wave a series of handseals.

Ino: Doton: Mud Swamp!

The ground Sakura is standing on soften and turned into a swamp and is now dragging her down. But she coat her 2 palms with Chakra to hold on to the swamp like a solid ground and tried to pull her body up.

But just before she could achieve it she heard Ino speak of a new jutsu again.

Ino: Doton: Doryuudan no Jutsu (Earth Dragon Bullets)!

An Earth Dragon head surface from the ground, open its mouth and fire a lot of earth rubbles.

Sakura knows she can't avoid the many flying earth projectiles so she decided to just face it head on. She punches the rubbles with her power punches and they turn to dust.

But Sakura only think of the offensive and never think that Ino can follow up her attacks. Ino vanish using Soru and appeared behind the pink haired kunoichi and kick her nape.

As Sakuras lower body still trap in the harden swap she failed to turn around and defend herself, she is vulnerable. When the kick hit her nape, Sakura falls and her face burried to the ground.

[ Ino Vs Sakura - Winner: Ino ]


Tsunade(sigh): even after I told her not to underestimate Narutos team-mates.

Minato(impress): she fight like a veteran, impressive!

Jiraiya: they already are the moment Naruto train them.

Kakashi(sigh): I'll go and dug her up.


<Temari Vs Sasuke>

Temari(giggle): so you choose to fight me because you lose to my brother in the Chuunin Exam finals 3 years ago? I didn't know you are such a pity person, I feel sorry for your sensei and team-mates.

Sasuke(sneer): heh! Think whatever you want, but after what gonna do to you when you lose, you will surely leave the dobe and spread your legs to me, Suna Bitch!

The audience gasp in horror after hearing Sasukes comment and what she called Temari.

Minato: oh shit! This dumb kid!

Tsunade: Kakashi! You didn't taught your student humility and respect?!

Kakashi was nervous when Tsunade direct her killing intent to him. He is now silently cursing himself for only teaching him how to get stronger.

Jiraiya: be ready to save the Uchiha, Naruto will not let his comment slide and will surely take action!

Everyone was nervous but nod reluctuntly. Then they felt it, a malicious Chakra spike was sense and felt by everyone in the whole village of Konoha. Everyone was trembling in fear as they watch Naruto stand up slowly and walk to where Sasuke is. Naruto speak in a scary voice.

Naruto: there are things that are forbidden to be said, Uchiha.

Sasuke fall down while still shaking in fear. Naruto bend down closer and look him in the eyes.

Naruto: tell me, what are you going to do to my Temari again if she lost? Depending on your answers, you will either left here as a cripple as I completely destroy your Chakra pathways or.....I'll pluck out your Sharingans.

Everyone, even the other fights stop when they felt Narutos chakra spike. They are even more astonish when he give his demand if he didn't like Sasukes answers.

Sasuke: wh-wh-what are you doing?! Stay back, stay back! I am an Uchiha! An Elite! You cannot harm me or the village will condemn you!

Naruto(sneer): since when am I afraid of Konoha? Do you think Konoha want to offend me and my team? Me and my girls can just leave the village and no one can stop us if it happen.

"Can you afford to shoulder the responsibility of protecting the village from being invaded by other great villages? Im not trying to brag, but Team Dragons presence was the deterrent that keep other predators from targeting Konoha."

Sasuke hate to admit it, but Naruto was right. If not because of him, Suna and Oto must've been successful in their invasion 3 years ago. Konoha wouldve been raze to the ground by now.

Everyone also agree to what Naruto said, that's why they are grateful that he is a shinobi of Konoha even if they won't say it to him in person.

Kakashi shunshin and appeared beside them with a nervous expression.

Kakashi: pl-pl-please, Naruto. Please forgive Sasuke, he didn't mean it. Please.

Naruto(frown): he disrespected my girlfriend right in front of me and this many people and youre saying that he didn't mean it? You failed to teach your student some proper manners, eh Kakashi?

"Fine, I will let his disrespectful behavior towards my girlfriend but I have a condition, meet it and I'll consider everything he said water under the bridge."

Kakashu(gulp): what-what is it?

Naruto: give me 1 of his Sharingan...or your Sharingan and we have a deal. So?

A/N: hi guys, miss me? Don't forget to Vote, Follow and Check my other Fanfic works. Thanks. 

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